Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/426

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Halibut Timbales I

1 lb. halibut
1/3 cup thick cream
3/4 teaspoon salt
Few grains cayenne
1-1/2 teaspoons lemon juice
Whites 3 eggs

Cook halibut in boiling salted water, drain, and rub through a sieve. Season with salt, cayenne, and lemon juice; add cream beaten until stiff, then beaten whites of eggs. Turn into small, slightly buttered moulds, put in a pan, half surround with hot water, cover with buttered paper, and bake twenty minutes in a moderate oven. Remove from moulds, arrange on a serving dish, pour around Béchamel Sauce or Lobster Sauce II, and garnish with parsley.

Halibut Timbales II

1 lb. halibut
2/3 cup milk
Yolk 1 egg
1-1/4 teaspoons salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
Few grains cayenne
2/3 teaspoon corn-starch
1/3 cup thick cream

Force fish through a meat chopper, then rub through a sieve or finely chop. Add yolk of egg, seasonings, corn-starch, and cream beaten until stiff. Cook same as Halibut Timbales I and serve with Cream or Lobster Sauce.

Lobster Timbales I

Sprinkle slightly buttered Dario or timbale moulds with lobster coral rubbed through a strainer. Line moulds with Fish Force-meat I, fill centres with Creamed Lobster, and cover with force-meat. Put in a pan, half surround with hot water, place over moulds buttered paper, and bake twenty minutes in a moderate oven. Serve with Lobster or Béchamel Sauce.

Lobster Timbales II

2 lb. live lobster
1/4 cup stale bread crumbs
1/2 cup heavy cream
2 eggs
Sherry wine
Salt and pepper

Split lobster, remove intestinal vein, liver, and stomach. Crack claw shells with mallet, then remove all meat, scraping as close to shell as possible to obtain the color desired.