Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/431

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Devilled Scallops

1 quart scallops
1/3 cup butter
1/3 teaspoon made mustard
1 teaspoon salt
Few grains cayenne
2/3 cup buttered cracker crumbs

Clean scallops, drain, and heat to the boiling-point; drain again, and reserve liquor. Cream the butter, add mustard, salt, cayenne, two-thirds cup reserved liquor, and scallops chopped. Let stand one-half hour. Put in a baking-dish, cover with crumbs, and bake twenty minutes.

Fried Oyster Crabs

Wash and drain crabs. Roll in flour, and shake in a sieve to remove superfluous flour. Fry in a basket in deep fat, having fat same temperature as for cooked mixtures. Drain, and place on a napkin, and garnish with parsley and slices of lemon. Serve with Sauce Tyrolienne.

Bouchées of Oyster Crabs

Pick over oyster crabs, dip in flour, cold milk, and crumbs, fry in deep fat, and drain on brown paper. Fill bouchée cases with crabs.

Halibut Marguerites

Line a buttered tablespoon with Fish Force-meat II. Fill with Creamed Lobster, cover with force-meat, and garnish with force-meat, forced through a pastry bag and tube, in the form of a marguerite, having the centre colored yellow. Slip from spoon into boiling water, and cook eight minutes. Serve with Béchamel or Lobster Sauce.

Cromesquis à la Russe

Melt two tablespoons butter, add two tablespoons flour, and pour on gradually one-half cup milk; then add one-half cup finnan haddie which has been parboiled, drained, and separated into small pieces. Season with cayenne, and spread on a plate to cook. Cut French pancakes in pieces two by four inches. On lower halves of pieces put one tablespoon mixture. Brush edges with beaten egg, fold