Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/435

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White Stock, cover with buttered paper, and bake fifteen minutes in a hot oven. Serve with Suprême or Béchamel Sauce.

Fillets of Game

Remove skin from breasts of three partridges. Cut off breasts, leaving wing joints attached. Separate large from mignon fillets. Make five parallel slanting incisions in each mignon fillet, and insert in each a slice of truffle, having part of truffle exposed cut in points on edge. Beginning at outer edge of large fillets make deep cuts, nearly separating fillets in two parts, and stuff with Chicken Force-meat I or II. Arrange small fillets on large fillets. Place in a greased baking-pan, brush over with butter, add one tablespoon Madeira wine and two tablespoons mushroom liquor. Cover with buttered paper, and bake twelve minutes in a hot oven. Serve with Suprême Sauce.

Chicken Cutlets

Remove fillets from two chickens; for directions, see page 245. Dip each in thick cream, roll in flour, and sauté in lard three minutes. Place in a pan, dot over with butter, and bake ten minutes. Serve with White Sauce I, to which is added one tablespoon meat extract.

Russian Cutlets

Cover bottom of cutlet moulds with Russian Pilaf and cover Pilaf with Chicken Force-meat II (see p. 150), doubling the recipe and omitting nutmeg. Set moulds in pan of hot water, cover with buttered paper, and bake in a moderate oven fifteen minutes. Remove from moulds to serving dish, surround with Brown Mushroom Sauce, and garnish with parsley.

Russian Pilaf. Wash one-half cup rice. Mix one cup highly seasoned chicken stock with three-fourths cup stewed and strained tomato, and heat to boiling-point. Add rice, and steam until rice is soft. Add two tablespoons butter, stirring lightly with a fork that kernels may not be broken, and season with salt.