Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/439

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fillets for the making of force-meat. Make a pocket in each large fillet, and stuff with one-half tablespoon force-meat; close pockets, and fasten each with five pieces of truffle, shaped to represent nails and drawn through with a larding needle. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, put in small baking-pan, brush over with cold water, add one-half cup Madeira wine, cover with buttered paper, and bake in a hot oven ten minutes. Arrange cooked mushroom caps overlapping one another the entire length of platter, put a chop frill on bone of each fillet, and put three fillets on each side of mushrooms. Garnish with celery tips and pour around

Sauce Suprême. Cook remaining chicken with one small sliced carrot, one onion, one stalk celery, two sprigs parsley, and a bit of bay leaf, with enough water to cover, one hour. Strain and cook stock until reduced to one cup. Melt two tablespoons butter, add two tablespoons flour, and pour on stock; cook slowly fifteen minutes. Add three-fourths cup heavy cream and season with salt and pepper; then add twelve peeled white mushroom caps and cook five minutes. Remove caps to platter and add one-fourth cup heavy cream to sauce.

Chicken Force-meat. Put mignon fillets through a meat chopper, add one-half the quantity of stale bread crumbs cooked with milk until moisture has nearly evaporated. Cool and put through purée strainer; then add one and one-half tablespoons melted butter, yolk one egg, two tablespoons cream, and salt and pepper to taste.

Birds on Canapés

Split five birds (quails or squabs), season with salt and pepper, and spread with four tablespoons butter, rubbed until creamy, and mixed with three tablespoons flour. Bake in a hot oven until well browned, basting every four minutes with two tablespoons butter, melted in one-fourth cup water. Chop six boiled chickens' livers, season with salt, pepper, and onion juice, moisten with melted butter, and add one teaspoon finely chopped parsley. Spread mixture on five pieces toasted bread, arrange a bird on each canapé, and garnish with parsley.