Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/447

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until jelly is firm. Arrange tomatoes on jelly garnished side down. Add more aspic jelly mixture, let stand until firm, and so continue until all is used. Chill thoroughly, turn on a serving dish, and garnish around base with parsley.

Stuffed Olives in Aspic

Stone olives, using an olive stoner, and fill cavities thus made with green butter. Place small Dario moulds in pan of ice-water, and pour in aspic jelly mixture (see p. 382) one-fourth inch deep. When firm put an olive in each mould (keeping olives in place by means of small wooden skewers) and add aspic by spoonfuls until moulds are filled. Chill thoroughly, remove to circular slices of liver sausage, garnish with green butter forced through a pastry bag and tube, yolks of "hard-boiled" eggs forced through a strainer, and red peppers cut in fancy shapes.

Green Butter. Mix yolk one "hard-boiled" egg, two tablespoons butter, one sprig parsley, one sprig tarragon, one small shallot, one-half teaspoon anchovy paste, one teaspoon capers, and one teaspoon chopped gherkins, and pound in a mortar; then rub through a very fine sieve. Season with salt and pepper, and add a few drops vinegar.

Tongue in Aspic

Cook a tongue according to directions on page 210. After removing skin and roots, run a skewer through tip of tongue and fleshy part, thus keeping tongue in shape. When cool, remove skewer. Put a round pan in ice-water, cover bottom with brown aspic, and when firm decorate with cooked carrot, turnip, beet cut in fancy shapes, and parsley. Cover with aspic jelly mixture, adding it by spoonfuls so as not to disarrange vegetables. When this layer of mixture is firm, put in tongue, adding gradually remaining mixture as in Tomatoes in Aspic.

Birds in Aspic

Clean, bone, stuff, and truss a bird, then steam over body bones or roast. If roasted, do not dredge with flour. Put