Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/459

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Cracker Custard Pudding

Make same as Bread Pudding, using two-thirds cup cracker crumbs in place of bread crumbs; after baking, cover with meringue made of whites two eggs, one-fourth cup powdered sugar, and one tablespoon lemon juice; return to oven to cook meringue.

Bread and Butter Pudding

1 small baker's stale loaf
3 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 quart milk

Remove end crusts from bread, cut loaf in one-half inch slices, spread each slice generously with butter; arrange in buttered pudding-dish, buttered side down. Beat eggs slightly, add sugar, salt, and milk; strain, and pour over bread; let stand thirty minutes. Bake one hour in slow oven, covering the first half-hour of baking. The top of pudding should be well browned. Serve with Hard or Creamy Sauce. Three-fourths cup raisins, parboiled in boiling water to cover and seeded, may be sprinkled between layers of bread.

Bread and Butter Apple Pudding

Cover bottom of a shallow baking-dish with apple sauce. Cut stale bread in one-third inch slices, spread with softened butter, remove crusts, and cut in triangular-shaped pieces; then arrange closely together over apple. Sprinkle generously with sugar, to which is added a few drops vanilla. Bake in a moderate oven and serve with cream.

Chocolate Bread Pudding

2 cups stale bread crumbs
4 cups scalded milk
2 squares Baker's chocolate
2/3 cup sugar
2 eggs
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla

Soak bread in milk thirty minutes; melt chocolate in saucepan placed over hot water, add one-half sugar and enough milk taken from bread and milk to make of consistency to pour; add to mixture with remaining sugar, salt, vanilla,