Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/494

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being diluted, it is employed as a garnish; even when so used, it is generally diluted with one-fourth to one-third its bulk in milk; when used in combination with other ingredients for making desserts, it is diluted from one-half to two-thirds its bulk in milk. Thin cream is whipped without being diluted. Cream should be thoroughly chilled for whipping. Turn cream to be whipped into a bowl (care being taken not to select too large a bowl), and set in pan of crushed ice, to which water is added that cream may be quickly chilled; without addition of water, cream will not be so thoroughly chilled.

For whipping heavy cream undiluted, or diluted with one-third or less its bulk in milk, use Dover egg-beater; undiluted heavy cream if beaten a moment too long will come to butter. Heavy cream diluted, whipped, sweetened, and flavored, is often served with puddings, and called Cream Sauce.

Thin cream is whipped by using a whip churn, as is heavy cream when diluted with one-half to two-thirds its bulk in milk. Place churn in bowl containing cream, hold down cover with left hand, with right hand work dasher with quick downward and slow upward motions; avoid raising dasher too high in cylinder, thus escaping spattering of cream. The first whip which appears should be stirred into cream, as air bubbles are too large and will break; second whip should be removed by spoonfuls to a strainer, strainer to be placed in a pan, as some cream will drain through. The first cream which drains through may be turned into bowl to be rewhipped, and continue whipping as long as possible.

There will be some cream left in bowl which does not come above perforations in whip churn, and cannot be whipped. Cream which remains may be scalded and used to dissolve gelatine when making desserts which require gelatine. Cream should treble its bulk in whipping. By following these directions one need have no difficulty, if cream is of right consistency; always bearing in mind heavy cream must be whipped with a Dover egg-beater; thin cream must be whipped with a churn.