Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/514

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Vanilla Ice Cream Croquettes

Shape Vanilla Ice Cream in individual moulds, roll in macaroon dust made by pounding and sifting dry macaroons.

Chocolate Ice Cream I

1 quart thin cream
1 cup sugar
Few grains salt
1-1/2 squares Baker's chocolate or
1/4 cup prepared cocoa
1 tablespoon vanilla

Melt chocolate, and dilute with hot water to pour easily, add to cream; then add sugar, salt, and flavoring, and freeze.

Chocolate Ice Cream II

Use recipe for Vanilla Ice Cream II. Melt two squares Baker's chocolate, by placing in a small saucepan set in a larger saucepan of boiling water, and pour hot custard slowly on chocolate; then cool before adding cream.

Strawberry Ice Cream I

3 pints thin cream
2 boxes berries
2 cups sugar
Few grains salt

Wash and hull berries, sprinkle with sugar, cover, and let stand two hours. Mash, and squeeze through cheese-cloth; then add salt. Freeze cream to the consistency of a mush, add gradually fruit juice, and finish freezing. Rich Jersey milk may be substituted for cream.

Strawberry Ice Cream II

3 pints thin cream
2 boxes strawberries
1-3/4 cups sugar
2 cups milk
1-1/2 tablespoons arrowroot

Wash and hull berries, sprinkle with sugar, let stand one hour, mash, and rub through strainer. Scald one and one-half cups milk; dilute arrowroot with remaining milk, add to hot milk, and cook ten minutes in double boiler; cool, add cream, freeze to a mush, add fruit, and finish freezing.