Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/543

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Mince Pie Meat I

4 lbs. lean beef
2 lbs. beef suet
Baldwin apples
3 quinces
3 lbs. sugar
2 cups molasses
2 quarts cider
4 lbs. raisins, seeded and cut in pieces
3 lbs. currants
1/2 lb. finely cut citron
1 quart cooking brandy
1 tablespoon cinnamon and mace
1 tablespoon powdered clove
2 grated nutmegs
1 teaspoon pepper
Salt to taste

Cover meat and suet with boiling water and cook until tender, cool in water in which they are cooked; the suet will rise to top, forming a cake of fat, which may be easily removed. Finely chop meat, and add it to twice the amount of finely chopped apples. The apples should be quartered, cored, and pared, previous to chopping, or skins may be left on, which is not an objection if apples are finely chopped. Add quinces finely chopped, sugar, molasses, cider, raisins, currants, and citron; also suet, and stock in which meat and suet were cooked, reduced to one and one-half cups. Heat gradually, stir occasionally, and cook slowly two hours; then add brandy and spices.

Mince Pie Meat II

5 cups chopped cooked beef
2-1/2 cups chopped suet
7-1/2 cups chopped apples
3 cups cider
1/2 cup vinegar
1 cup molasses
5 cups sugar
3/4 lb. citron, finely chopped
2-1/2 cups whole raisins
1-1/2 cups raisins, finely chopped
Juice 2 lemons
Juice 2 oranges
1 tablespoon mace
Cinnamon }
Clove } 2 tablespoons each
Allspice }
2 nutmegs grated
2 tablespoons lemon extract
1 teaspoon almond extract
1-1/2 cups brandy
3 cups liquor in which beef was cooked

Mix ingredients in the order given, except brandy, and let simmer one and one-half hours; then add brandy and shavings from the rind of the lemons and oranges.