Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/569

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inverted buttered dripping-pan. Spread very thinly, using a knife, in circular shapes about three inches in diameter. Sprinkle with almonds, and bake in a slow oven. Remove from pan, and shape at once over the handle of a wooden spoon.

Marguerites I

2 eggs
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup flour
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/3 teaspoon salt
1 cup pecan nut meats, cut in small pieces

Beat eggs slightly, and add remaining ingredients in the order given. Fill small buttered tins two-thirds full of mixture, and place pecan nut meat on each. Bake in a moderate oven fifteen minutes.

Marguerites II

1 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
5 marshmallows
Whites 2 eggs
2 tablespoons shredded cocoanut
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup English walnut meats

Boil sugar and water until syrup will thread. Remove to back of range and add marshmallows cut in pieces. Pour onto the whites of eggs beaten until stiff; then add cocoanut, vanilla, and nut meats. Spread saltines with mixture and bake until delicately browned.


3/4 cup finely chopped popped corn
3/4 tablespoon soft butter
White 1 egg
1/3 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Blanched and chopped almonds
Candied cherries

Add butter to corn. Beat egg white until stiff, and add sugar gradually, continuing the beating. Combine mixtures; then add salt and vanilla. Drop mixture from tip of spoon on a well buttered sheet, one inch apart. Shape in circular form with case knife first dipped in cold water. Sprinkle with almonds and place a piece of candied cherry on the centre of each. Bake in a slow oven until delicately browned.