Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/598

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Pound Cake

1 lb. butter
1 lb. sugar
Yolks 10 eggs
Whites 10 eggs
1 lb. flour
1/2 teaspoon mace
2 tablespoons brandy

Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, and continue beating; then add yolks of eggs beaten until thick and lemon-colored, whites of eggs beaten until stiff and dry, flour, mace, and brandy. Beat vigorously five minutes. Bake in a deep pan one and one-fourth hours in a slow oven; or if to be used for fancy ornamented cakes, bake thirty to thirty-five minutes in a dripping-pan.

New York Gingerbread

1 cup butter (scant)
1-1/2 cups flour
2 tablespoons yellow ginger
5 eggs
1-1/2 cups powdered sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder

Cream the butter, and add flour gradually, mixed and sifted with ginger. Beat the yolks of the eggs until thick and lemon-colored, and add sugar gradually. Combine mixtures, add whites of eggs, beaten until stiff, and sift over baking powder. Beat thoroughly, turn into a buttered deep cake pan, and bake one hour in a moderate oven.

Newport Pound Cake

Make same as New York Gingerbread, omitting ginger, and substituting one teaspoon vanilla extract.

Christmas Cakes

Bake Newport Pound Cake in golden-rod pans, cut in fourths crosswise, spread with Ice Cream Frosting, and garnish with green leaves, made from ornamental frosting, and round red candies to imitate berries.

Ginger Pound Cakes

Cream one half pound butter and add gradually one-half pound sugar, continuing the beating. Add three-fourths pound flour, mixed and sifted with two teaspoons baking powder alternately with four eggs beaten until thick and