Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/603

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Lemon Filling

1 cup sugar
2-1/2 tablespoons flour
Grated rind 2 lemons
1/4 cup lemon juice
1 egg
1 teaspoon butter

Mix sugar and flour, add grated rind, lemon juice, and egg slightly beaten. Put butter in saucepan; when melted, add mixture, and stir constantly until boiling-point is reached. Care must be taken that mixture does not adhere to bottom of saucepan. Cool before spreading.

Orange Filling

1/2 cup sugar
2-1/2 tablespoons flour
Grated rind 1/2 orange
1/4 cup orange juice
1/2 tablespoon lemon juice
1 egg slightly beaten
1 teaspoon butter

Mix ingredients in order given. Cook ten minutes in double boiler, stirring constantly. Cool before spreading.

Chocolate Filling

2-1/2 squares chocolate
1 cup powdered sugar
3 tablespoons milk
Yolk 1 egg
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Melt chocolate over hot water, add one-half the sugar, and milk; add remaining sugar, and yolk of egg; then cook in double boiler until it thickens, stirring constantly at first, that mixture may be perfectly smooth. Cool slightly, flavor, and spread.

Nut or Fruit Filling

To White Mountain Cream add chopped walnuts, almonds, figs, dates, or raisins, separately or in combination.

Cocoanut Filling

Whites 2 eggs
Fresh grated cocoanut
Powdered sugar

Beat whites of eggs on a platter with a fork until stiff. Add enough powdered sugar to spread. Spread over cake, sprinkle thickly with cocoanut. Use for layer cake, having filling between and on top.