Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/615

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Cocoanut Cakes I

1/2 lb. fresh grated cocoanut
Whites 1-1/2 eggs
6 ozs. sugar and glucose, using one mixing-spoon glucose

        German Confectioner

Cook cocoanut, sugar, and glucose in double boiler until mixture clings to spoon, add whites of eggs, stir vigorously, and cook until mixture feels sticky when tried between the fingers. Spread in a wet pan, cover with wet paper, and chill on ice. Shape in small balls, first dipping hands in cold water. Bake twenty minutes in a slow oven on a tin sheet greased with white wax.

Cocoanut Cakes II

1 lb. fresh grated cocoanut
3/4 lb. sugar
Whites 2 eggs

Cook, shape, and bake same as Cocoanut Cakes I.

Stuffed Dates I

Make a cut the entire length of dates and remove stones. Fill cavities with castanea nuts, English walnuts, or blanched almonds, and shape in original form. Roll in granulated sugar. Pile in rows on a small plate covered with a doily. If castanea nuts are used, with a sharp knife cut off the brown skin which lies next to shell.

Stuffed Dates II

Remove stones from dates and fill cavities with Neufchâtel cheese.

Salted Almonds I

Blanch one-fourth pound Jordan almonds and dry on a towel. Put one-third cup olive oil in a very small saucepan. When hot, put in one-fourth of the almonds and fry until delicately browned, stirring to keep almonds constantly in motion. Remove with a spoon or small skimmer, taking up as little oil as possible. Drain on brown paper and sprinkle with salt; repeat until all are fried. It may be