Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/633

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moisten with rich chicken stock. Prepare as other sandwiches.

Lobster Sandwiches

Remove lobster meat from shell, and chop. Season with salt, cayenne, made mustard, and lemon juice; or moisten with any salad dressing. Spread mixture on a crisp lettuce leaf, and prepare as other sandwiches.

Lobster Sandwiches à la Boulevard

Mix an equal quantity of finely chopped lobster meat and the yolks of "hard-boiled" eggs forced through a sieve. Moisten with melted butter, and season with German mustard, beef extract diluted with a very small quantity of boiling water, and salt. Spread mixture between thin slices of buttered bread, remove crusts, and cut into fancy shapes. A small quantity of lobster meat is most successfully utilized in this way.

Oyster Sandwiches

Arrange fried oysters on crisp lettuce leaves, allowing two oysters for each leaf, and one leaf for each sandwich. Prepare as other sandwiches.

Nut and Cheese Sandwiches

Mix equal parts of grated Gruyère cheese and chopped English walnut meat; then season with salt and cayenne. Prepare as other sandwiches.

Cheese and Anchovy Sandwiches

Cream two tablespoons butter, and add one-fourth cup grated Young America Cheese and one teaspoon vinegar. Season with salt, paprika, mustard, and anchovy essence. Spread mixture between thin slices of bread.

Windsor Sandwiches

Cream one-third cup butter, and add one-half cup each of finely chopped cold boiled ham and cold boiled chicken. Season with salt and paprika. Spread mixture between thin slices of bread.