Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/645

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minute. Remove shrimps, and put remaining butter in chafing-dish, add flour and cream; when thickened, add yolks of eggs slightly beaten, shrimps, and wine. Serve with toast or Puff Paste Points.

Fish à la Provençale

1/4 cup butter
2-1/2 tablespoons flour
2 cups milk
Yolks 4 "hard-boiled" eggs
1 teaspoon Anchovy essence
2 cups cold boiled flaked fish

Make a sauce of butter, flour, and milk. Mash yolks of eggs and mix with Anchovy essence, add to sauce, then add fish. Serve as soon as heated. Serve on pieces of toasted Graham bread.

Grilled Sardines

Drain twelve sardines and cook in a chafing-dish until heated, turning frequently. Place on small oblong pieces of dry toast, and serve with Maître d'Hôtel or Lemon Butter.

Sardines with Anchovy Sauce

Drain twelve sardines and cook in a chafing-dish until heated, turning frequently. Remove from chafing-dish. Make one cup Brown Sauce with one and one-half tablespoons sardine oil, two tablespoons flour, and one cup Brown Stock. Season with Anchovy essence. Reheat sardines in sauce. Serve with Brown Bread Sandwiches, having a slice of cucumber marinated with French Dressing between slices of bread.

Creamed Sardines

Drain from oil one small box sardines, remove backbones from fish, then mash. Melt one-fourth cup butter, add one-fourth cup soft stale bread crumbs, and one cup cream. When thoroughly heated add two "hard-boiled" eggs finely chopped, the sardines, salt, pepper, and paprika to taste. Serve on pieces of toasted bread.