Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/676

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  • ing-point. Rinse with hot water, wipe, and keep on back of

range until perfectly dry.

Never put cogs of a Dover Egg-beater in water.

Never wash Bread Boards in a sink. Scrub with grain of wood, using a small brush.

Before using a new Iron Kettle, grease inside and outside, and let stand forty-eight hours; then wash in hot water in which a large lump of cooking soda has been dissolved.

To clean a Copper Boiler, use Putz Pomade Cream. Apply with a woollen cloth when boiler is warm, not hot; then rub off with second woollen cloth and polish with flannel or chamois. If badly tarnished, use oxalic acid. Faucets and brasses are treated in the same way.

A bottle containing Oxalic Acid should be marked poison, and kept on a high shelf.

To keep an Ice Chest in good condition, wash thoroughly once a week with cold or lukewarm water in which washing soda has been dissolved. If by chance anything is spilt in an ice chest, it should be wiped off at once.

Milk and butter very quickly absorb odors, and if in ice chest with other foods, should be kept closely covered.

Hard Wood Floors and Furniture may be polished by using a small quantity of kerosene oil applied with a woollen cloth, then rubbing with a clean woollen cloth. A very good furniture polish is made by using equal parts linseed oil and turpentine.

Polish for Hard Wood Floors. Use one part beeswax to two parts turpentine. Put in saucepan on range, and when wax is dissolved a paste will be formed.

To clean Piano Keys, rub over with alcohol.

To remove old Tea and Coffee Stains, wet spot with cold water, cover with glycerine, and let stand two or three hours. Then wash with cold water and hard soap. Repeat if necessary.