Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/682

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                    Cereal with Fruit
Fried Smelts Baked Sweet Potatoes Sliced Tomatoes
                     Oatmeal Muffins

                Oatmeal Mush with Apples
Hamburg Steaks Creamed Potatoes White Corn Cake

               Plums and Pears
    Cracked Wheat with Sugar and Cream
Baked Beans Fish Balls Brown Bread
           Old Grist Mill Coffee

                   Sliced Peaches
Germea with Sugar and Cream Brown Bread Toast
    Cold Sliced Meat Sautéd Sweet Potatoes

   Wheatena with Sugar and Cream
Fish Hash Buttered Graham Toast
       Strawberry Short Cake

  Old Grist Mill Rye Flakes with Sugar and Cream
Lamb Chops Baked Potatoes Raised Muffins
              Doughnuts and Coffee

Luncheon Menus

                    Grilled Sardines
Baked Apples with Cream Rolls Sponge Cake