Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/684

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        Scalloped Turkey
     Brown Bread Sandwiches
Lettuce Salad Cheese Straws

Turban of Fish Saratoga Potatoes
         Warmed over Muffins
    Nuts Crackers Cheese

Cream of Tomato Soup Croûtons
      Omelet with Vegetables
         Bread and Butter
         Bananas Tea

       Salad à la Russe
    Graham Bread and Butter
Peach Sauce Scotch Wafers

     Cold Sliced Tongue
     Macaroni and Cheese
Lettuce Salad Crackers
     Wafers Coffee

Salmon Croquettes Rolls
      Dressed Lettuce
   Strawberries and Cream

Beef Stew with Dumplings
Sliced Oranges Cake

Lobster Salad Rolls
      Raspberries and Cream Wafers
                Russian Tea