Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/688

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              Kornlet Soup
Maryland Chicken Baked Sweet Potatoes
Creamed Cauliflower Cranberry Sauce
  Dressed Lettuce Polish Tartlets
               Café Noir

                 Vegetable Soup
Veal Cutlets Horseradish Mashed Potatoes
    Cream of Lima Beans Dressed Celery
               Cerealine Pudding

                      St. Germain Soup
Beefsteak with Oyster Blanket Stuffed Potatoes Spinach
          Pineapple Pudding Cream Sponge Cake
                         Café Noir

                           White Soup
Boiled Salmon Egg Sauce Boiled Potatoes Green Peas
               Strawberries and cream Cake

               Tomato Soup without Stock
Braised Beef Horseradish Sauce Scalloped Potatoes
          Baked Indian Pudding Café Noir

                        Bisque Soup
Broiled Shad Chartreuse Potatoes Asparagus on Toast
                 Cucumber and Lettuce Salad
                Prune Whip Custard Sauce

                Cream of Pea Soup
Boiled Mutton Caper Sauce Mashed Potatoes
                   Turkish Pilaf
          Graham Pudding Fruit and Nuts