Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/690

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Menu for Thanksgiving Dinner

        Oyster Soup Crisp Crackers
          Celery Salted Almonds
       Roast Turkey Cranberry Jelly
Mashed Potatoes Onions in Cream Squash
                 Chicken Pie
       Fruit Pudding Sterling Sauce
         Mince, Apple, and Squash Pie
     Neapolitan Ice Cream Fancy Cakes
     Fruit Nuts and Raisins Bonbons
      Crackers Cheese Café Noir

Menu for Christmas Dinner

            Consommé Bread Sticks
       Olives Celery Salted Pecans
Roast Goose Potato Stuffing Apple Sauce
    Duchess Potatoes Cream of Lima Beans
        Chicken Croquettes with Green Peas
        Dressed Lettuce with Cheese Straws
          English Plum Pudding Brandy Sauce
  Frozen Pudding Assorted Cake Bonbons
        Crackers Cheese Café Noir

A Full Course Dinner

First Course

Little Neck Clams or Bluepoints, with brown-bread sandwiches. Sometimes canapés are used in place of either. For a gentleman's dinner, canapés accompanied with Sherry wine are frequently served before guests enter the dining-room.

Second Course

Clear soup, with bread sticks, small rolls, or crisp crackers. Where two soups are served, one may be a cream soup. Cream soups are served with croûtons. Radishes, celery, or olives are passed after the soup. Salted almonds may be passed between any of the courses.