Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/694

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After serving café noir in drawing-room, pass pony of brandy for men, sweet liqueur (Chartreuse, Benedictine, or Parfait d'Amour) for women; then Crême de Menthe for all.

After a short time Apollinaris should be passed. White wines should be served cool; Sherry should be as near the temperature of the room in which it is served as possible. Champagne should be served very cold by allowing it to remain in salt and ice at least one-half hour before dinner time. Claret, served without cooling, and as it contains so small amount of alchohol, is not good the day after opening.

For a simpler dinner, the third, seventh, eighth, and tenth courses, and the game in the ninth course, may be omitted.

For a home dinner, it is always desirable to serve for first course a soup; second course, meat or fish, with potatoes and two other vegetables; third course, a vegetable salad, with French dressing; fourth course, dessert; fifth course, crackers, cheese, and café noir.

At a ladies' luncheon the courses are as many as at a small dinner. In winter, grape fruit is sometimes served in place of oysters; in summer, selected strawberries in small Swedish Timbale cases.

Menus for Full Course Dinners

                         Blue Points
                   Consommé à la Royal
        Olives Celery Salted Almonds
      Swedish Timbales with Chicken and Mushrooms
Fried Smelts Sauce Tartare Dressed Cucumbers
        Saddle of Mutton Currant Jelly Sauce
          Potatoes Brabant Brussels Sprouts
                     Suprême of Chicken
                    Mushrooms à la Sabine
                        Canton Sherbet
               Canvasback Duck Olive Sauce
                   Farina Cakes with Jelly
                        Celery Salad
                    Apricot and Wine Jelly
Nesselrode Pudding Rolled Wafers Parisian Sweets
                     Crackers Cheese
                          Café Noir