Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/713

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Calf's Heart, 211.
  Liver, Stuffed and Larded, 208.

Calvé Tarts, 479.

Calves' Tongues, 210.
  Tongues, Sauce Piquante, 210.

Canapés, 549.
  Algonquin, 555.
  Anchovy, 554.
  Cheese, I, 553.
  Cheese, II, 554.
  Cheese and Olive, 555.
  Fruit, 565.
  Lobster, 554.
  Lorenzo, 555.
  Martha, 554.
  Peach, 565.
  Sardine, 554.

Candied Orange Peel, 547.

Cane Sugar or Sucrose, 6.

Cannelon of Beef, 201.

Canning and Preserving, 577.
   Directions for, 577.
  Jars, to Sterilize, 578.

Cantaloupe, how to Serve, 569.
  Banana, 427.

Canton Sherbet, 437.

Caper Sauce, 267.

Capers, 14.

Capon, 240.
  Boiled, with Cauliflower Sauce, 246.

Capsicum (Cayenne Pepper), 13.

Carafes, how to Wash, 587.

Caramel, 7.
  Brandy Sauce, 410.
  Charlotte Russe, 428.
  Custard, 415.
  Frosting I, 530.
  Frosting II, 530.
  Ice Cream, 445.
  Junket, 412.
  Nut Frosting, 530.
  Opera Frosting, 530.
  Sauce, 415.
  to Make, 586.

Caramels, Sultana, 543.

Carbohydrates, 2.

Carbon-Dioxide, 6.

Card Cakes, 496.

Cardinal Mousse with Iced Madeira
  Sauce, 456.
  Punch, 440.

Carpets, Sweeping of, 589, 591.

Carrots, 288.
  and Peas, 288.
  Poulette Sauce, 288.

Casein, 2.
  Vegetable, 2.

Casserole of Chestnuts, 376.
  of Lamb, 220.
  of Rice and Meat, 224.

Cassia, 13.

Cauliflower, 289.
  à la Hollandaise, 289.
  à la Huntington, 289.
  à la Parmesan, 289.
  au Gratin, 289.

Cauliflower, Creamed, 289.
  Fritters, 350.
  Sauce, 276.
  Soup, Cream of, 125.

Caviare, 155.
  Cayenne, 13.

Cecils with Tomato Sauce, 213.

Ceiling, Smoked, how to Clean, 591.

Celery, 290.
  and Cabbage Salad, 329.
  Dressed, 329.
  Fried, 350.
  Fried, with Tomato Sauce, 290.
  in White Sauce, 590.
  Sauce, 272.
  Soup I, 136.
  Soup II, 137.
  Soup, Cream of, 123.

Cellulose, 7.

Cereal with Fruit, 87.

Cerealine Pudding, 390.

Cereals, 85.
Composition of, 85.
Table for Cooking, 86.

Chafing-Dish, 556.
  Breaded Tongue with Tomato Sauce, 563.
  Cheese Omelet, 558.
  Clams à la Newburg, 560.
  Creamed Sardines, 561.
  Devilled Almonds, 565.
  Devilled Bones, 565.
  Devilled Chestnuts, 565.
  Eggs à la Caracas, 558.
  Eggs au Beurre Noir, 558.
  English Monkey, 563.
  Fig Cups, 566.
  Fish à la Provençale, 561.
  Fruit Canapés, 565.
  Grilled Sardines, 561.
  Jack's Oyster Ragout, 559.
  List of Dishes for, 557.
  Lobster à la Delmonico, 560.
  Lobster à la Newburg, 560.
  Minced Mutton, 564.
  Mutton with Currant Jelly
  Sauce, 564.
  Oyster Rarebit, 562.
  Oysters à la D'Uxelles, 559.
  Oysters à la Thorndike, 559.
  Peach Canapés, 565.
  Sardines with Anchovy Sauce, 561.
  Scotch Woodcock, 563.
  Scrambled Eggs with Calf's Brains, 557.
  Scrambled Eggs with Sweet-*breads, 557.
  Shredded Ham with Currant Jelly Sauce, 564.
  Shrimps à la Newburg, 560.
  Tomato Rarebit, 563.
  Union Grill, 558.
  Venison Cutlets with Apples, 564.
  Welsh Rarebit I, 562.
  Welsh Rarebit II, 562.