Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/716

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  Ice Cream, 445.
  Ice Cream, in half of Cantaloupe, 445.
  Jelly, 419.
  Mousse, 454.
  Pot of, Small, 38.
  Rolls, 63.
  Sauce, 443.
  Soufflé, 434.
  Vienna, 38.

Colbert Consommé, 128.

Collagen, 191.

Colonial Sandwiches, 552.

Columbian Pudding, 424.

Compote of Rice with Peaches, 377.
  of Rice with Pears, 378.

Concord Cream, 458.

Condés, 476.

Condiments, 14.

Confections and Frostings, 527.
  Bonbons, 545.
  Bonbons, to Dip, 546.
  Buttercups, 538.
  Butter Scotch, 539.
  Butter Taffy, 539.
  Chocolate Caramels, 539.
  Chocolate Caramels, Nut, 540.
  Chocolate Caramels, Rich, 540.
  Chocolate Cream Candy, 542.
  Cocoanut Cream Candy, 542.
  Cream Mints, 546.
  Cream Nut Bars, 546.
  Creamed Walnuts, 543.
  Dipped Walnuts, 546.
  Fondant, 544.
  Fondant, Coffee, 545.
  Fondant, Maple, 545.
  Fondant, White, 544.
  French Nougat, 541.
  Glacé Fruits, 547.
  Glacé Nuts, 547.
  Horehound Candy, 539.
  Ice Cream Candy, 538.
  Molasses Candy, 537.
  Molasses Velvet Candy, 537.
  Nougatine Drops, 541.
  Nut Bar, 540.
  Parisian Sweets, 536.
  Peanut Nougat, 540.
  Peppermints, 544.
  Spun Sugar, 547.
  Sugared Popped Corn, 537.
  Sultana Caramels, 543.
  Tutti-Frutti Candy, 546.
  Vinegar Candy, 538.
  Wintergreen Wafers, 541.

Consommé, 109, 128.
  à la Royal, 128.
  au Parmesan, 128.
  aux Pâtes, 129.
  Bortchock, 129.
  Clam, 132.
  Claret, 129.
  Colbert, 128.
  d'Orleans, 129.
  Princess, 129.
  with Vegetables, 129.

Cookery, 15.

Cookies, Almond, 490.
  Boston, 489.
  Chocolate, 491.
  Chocolate Fruit, 491.
  Cocoanut Cream, 489.
  Cream, 487.
  German Chocolate, 491.
  Ginger Snaps, 485.
  Hermits, 488.
  Imperial, 488.
  Jelly Jumbles, 488.
  Molasses, 485.
  Molasses, Soft, 486.
  Nut, 490.
  Oatmeal, 487.
  Peanut, 490.
  Rich, 488.
  Sand Tarts, 492.
  Seed Cakes, 490.
  Spice, 486.
  Walnut Molasses Bars, 485.

Copper Boiler, to Clean, 590.

Corn à la Southern, 291.
  Cake, Golden, 75.
  Cake, Rice, 76.
  Cake, Spider, 76.
  Cake, Sweetened with Molasses, 75.
  Cake, White, 175.
  Cake, White, Meal, 76.
  Chowder, 141.
  Fritters, 291.
  Green, 291.
  Green, Boiled, 291.
  Griddle Cakes, 78.
  Meal Gems, 74.
  Meal Mush, 88.
  Oysters, 291.
  Pudding, 392.
  Soup, 137.
  Starch, 6.
  Starch Cake, 516.
  Succotash, 291.

Corned Beef Hash, 213.
  Beef Hash with Beets, 213.

Cottage Cheese I, 336.
  Cheese II, 337.
  Pudding, 395.

Coup à l'Ananas, 442.
  au Marrons, 456.
  Sicilienne, 442.

Covington Cream, 450.

Crab and Tomato Salad, 343.
  Apple Jelly, 573.
  Meat, Indienne, 368.
  Meat, Terrapin Style, 370.
  Soup, 126.

Crabs, 158.
  Devilled, 368.
  Mock, 371.
  Soft-shelled, 174.
  to Clean, 174.

Cracker and Cheese Salad, 336.

Cracker Crumbs (Buttered), 586.
  Custard Pudding, 393.

Crackers and Cheese, 145.