Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/721

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  Haddock, 152.
  Halibut (Pleuronectidæ), 152.
  Hash, 177.
  Herring, 155.
  Herring, Kippered, 179.
  Mackerel, 154.
  Mackerel, Snapping, 153.
  Mackerel, Spanish, 154.
  Perch, 152.
  Salad, with Cucumbers, 343.
  Salmon, 154.
  Salt, 152.
  Sardines, 27.
  Shad, Jack, 154.
  Shad, Roe, 154.
  Smelts, 153.
  Sole, 153.
  Stock, 109.
  Stock, Soups with, 129.
  Stuffing I, 164.
  Stuffing II, 165.
  Sword, 152.
  Table Showing Composition of, 161.
  to Bake, 161.
  to Bone, 160.
  to Broil, 161.
  to Clean, 159.
  to Fillet, 160.
  to Fry, 161.
  to Skin, 159.
  Trout, 153.
  Turban of, 176.
  Turbot, 153.
  Ways of Using Remnants of Cooked, 176.
  White, 153.
  White and Oily, 152.

Five o'Clock Tea, 34.

Flavoring Extracts, 14.
  Extracts and Wine, 587.

Florentine Méringue, 476.

Flounder, Fried Fillets, 173.

Flour, 46.
  Entire Wheat, 49.
  Gluten, 49.
  Graham, 47.
  Wheat, 47.

Flowering Ice Cream, 457.

Flûtes, 388.

Foamy Sauce I, 408.
  Sauce II, 408.

  Coffee, 545.
  Icing, 531.
  Maple, 545.
  White, 544.

Food, 1.
  Carbohydrates, 2.
  Fats and Oils, 2, 8.
  Inorganic, 1.
  Organic, 1.
  Proportions of, Correct, 2.
  Proteid, 1, 2.
  Ration, Daily Average, 3.
  Salts, 5.
  Water, 2, 4.

  Chicken, I, 149.
  Chicken, II, 150.
  Clam, 149.
  Fish, I, 148.
  Fish, II, 149.
  Oyster, 149.
  Salmon, 149.

Fowl, Boiled, 245.
  to Cut up, 245.
  to Truss, 244.

Frappé, 433.
  Café, 439.
  Clam, 439.
  Clam and Chicken, 132.
  Cranberry, 439.
  Grape, 439.
  Pineapple, 438.

French Cream Filling, 524.
  Dressing, 323.
  Easter Cream, 432.
  Fried Onions, 296.
  Fruit Pudding, 403.
  Nougat, 541.
  Omelet, 107.
  Rusks, 61.

Fricasseeing, 22.

Fricassee of Clams, 146.
  of Lobster and Mushrooms, 188.
  of Oysters, 181.

Fried Celery, 350.
  Chicken, 249.
  Chicken, Southern Style, 249.
  Fish, Russian Style, Mushroom Sauce, 174.
  Lobster, 184.
  Oysters, 184.
  Oysters in Batter, 184.
  Oysters, Philadelphia Relish, 185.
  Scallops, 186.
  Smelts, 173.

Fritter Beans, 148.

Fritters, Apple, I, 349.
  Apple, II, 349.
  Apple, III, 349.
  Banana, I, 349.
  Banana, II, 350.
  Calf's Brains, 354.
  Cauliflower, 350.
  Cherry, Maraschino Sauce, 351.
  Chocolate, with Vanilla Sauce, 353.
  Clam, 354.
  Coffee, with Coffee Cream
  Sauce, 353.
  Corn, 291.
  Fruit, 350.
  Orange, 350.
  Parsnip, 297.
  Queen, 352.
  Salsify, 296.
  Sponge, 353.
  Tomato, 351.

Frogs, 159.
  Hind Legs, 175.

Frostings, 524-532.
  Boiled, 529.