Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/724

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  Fig. 447.
  Freeze, how to, 434.
  Frozen Chocolate, with Whipped Cream, 437.
  Frozen Plum Pudding, 459.
  Frozen Pudding I, 449.
  Frozen Pudding II, 449.
  Frozen Tom and Jerry, 450.
  German, 458.
  Ginger, 447.
  Junket, with Peaches, 448.
  Macaroon, 447.
  Mould, how to, 435.
  Mould, how to Line, 435.
  Neapolitan or Harlequin, 448.
  Nougat, 453.
  Orange, 445.
  Orange Pekoe, 454.
  Philadelphia, 433.
  Pineapple, 445.
  Pineapple (Cream), 440.
  Pistachio, 447.
  Pistachio Bisque, 447.
  Pistachio Fruit, 453.
  Plain, 433.
  Praline, 446.
  Pudding Glacé, 449.
  Strawberry, I, 444.
  Strawberry, II, 444.
  Vanilla, I, 442.
  Vanilla, II, 443.

Ice Creams and Ices, Fancy, 435-459.
  Angel Parfait, 451.
  Baked Alaska, 448.
  Biscuit Tortoni, in Boxes, 458.
  Bombe Glacé, 452.
  Burnt Walnut Bisque, 446.
  Café Parfait, 451.
  Cardinal Mousse, Iced Madeira Sauce, 456.
  Chocolate Mousse, 455.
  Cocoanut Naples, Sauterne Sauce, 456.
  Coffee Mousse, 454.
  Delmonico Cream, with Angel Food, 450.
  Demi-Glacé aux Fraises, 457.
  Flowering Ice Cream, 457.
  Frozen Charlotte Glacée, 459.
  Frozen Orange Soufflé, 458.
  Frozen Soufflée Glacé, 459.
  Ice à la Margot, 456.
  Icebergs, 437.
  Manhattan Pudding, 451.
  Maple Parfait, 455.
  Maraschino Ice, 436.
  Mazarine, 457.
  Mousse Marron, 455.
  Nesselrode Pudding, 453.
  Noisette Bombe, 452.
  Orange Delicious, 454.
  Pineapple Mousse, 455.
  Plombière Glacé, 457.
  Strawberry Mousse, 454.
  Sultana Roll, with Claret Sauce, 451.
  University Pudding, 450.
  Violet Ice Cream, 448.

Ice Cream Cake, 517.

Ice Cream Candy, 538.

Ice Cream Frosting, 528.

Ices, 433.
  Crême de Menthe, 437.
  Cup St. Jacques, 435.
  Currant, 436.
  Frappé, 433.
  Lemon, 435.
  Maraschino, 436.
  Orange, 435.
  Pomegranate, 436.
  Punch, 433.
  Punch, Cardinal, 440.
  Punch, German, 441.
  Punch, Hollandaise, 440.
  Punch, Lenox, 441.
  Punch, Roman, 442.
  Punch, Victoria, 441.
  Raspberry, I, 436.
  Raspberry, II, 436.
  Raspberry and Currant, 436.
  Sherbet, 433.
  Sherbet, Canton, 437.
  Sherbet, London, 442.
  Sherbet, Milk, 437.
  Sorbet, 433.
  Sorbet, Apricot, 438.
  Sorbet, Italian, 438.
  Sorbet, Pineapple, 438.
  Sorbet, Sicilian, 438.
  Strawberry, I, 436.
  Strawberry, II, 436.
  Water, 433.

Imperial Cake, 523.
  Cookies, 488.
  Soup, 122.
  Sticks, 145.

India Curry, 229.
  East, Salad, 337.

Indian Bread, 58.
  Pudding, 390.
  Pudding, Mock, 394.

Ingredients, Measuring, 25.
  to Beat, 26.
  to Combine, 26.
  to Cut and Fold, 26.
  to Stir, 26.

Inkstains, to Remove, 589.

Irish Moss Blanc-Mange, 411.

Irish Stew, with Dumplings, 205.

Iron Kettle (New), Care of, 590.

Iron Rust, to Remove, 589.

Italian Meringue, 452.
  Sorbet, 438.

Ivory Cream, 431.

Jack's Oyster Ragout, 559.

Jam, Blackberry, 575.
  Raspberry, 575.

Jams, 575.

Jellied Chicken, 253.
  Prunes, 421.
  Vegetables, 385.
  Walnuts, 421.

Jellies, 572.