Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/729

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  Soup, French, 130.
  Stew, 129.
  Stuffing, 166.
  Toast, 183.

Oysters, 155.
  à la Astor, 182.
  à la Ballard, 181.
  à la D'Uxelles, 559.
  à la Somerset, 357.
  à la Thorndike, 559.
  and Bacon, 184.
  and Macaroni, 183.
  Broiled, 183.
  Creamed, 182.
  Devilled, 368.
  Fancy Roast, 181.
  Fricassee of, 181.
  Fried, 184.
  Fried in Batter, 184.
  Fried, Philadelphia Relish, 185.
  in Brown Sauce, 182.
  on Half Shell, 179.
  Panned, 181.
  Raw, 179.
  Roasted, 180.
  Sautéd, 184.
  Savory, 182.
  Scalloped, 183.
  to Block Ice for, 180.
  to Clean, 156.
  to Open, 156.

Palm Leaves, 477.

Parfait, Angel, 451.
  Café, 451.
  Maple, 455.

Parisian French Dressing, 323.
  Sweets, 536.

Parker House Rolls, 58.

Parmesan, Consommé, 128.
  Pâte à Choux, 128.

Parsley, to Chop, 586.

Parsnip Fritters, 297.

Parsnips, 297.
  with Drawn Butter Sauce, 297.

Partridge, 241.

Paste, Chopped, 464.
  Entire Wheat, 465.
  Plain, 460, 463.
  Puff, 460, 461.
  Quick, 463.
  Quick Puff, 463.
  with Lard, 464.

Pastry, 460.
  Bag, to Make, 591.
  Desserts, 475-479.

Pâte à Choux, 148.
  à Choux, Parmesan, 148.

Pâtes, Consommé aux, 129.

Patties, 379.
  Dresden, 380.
  Russian, 380.

Patty Shells, 462.

Pea Soup, 137.
  Soup, Split, 138.
  Timbales, 298.

Peas, 297.
  Boiled, 297.
  Creamed, 298.

Peach Canapés, 565.
  Crusts, 478.
  Custard, 413.
  Pie, 472.
  Tapioca, 391.

Peaches, Baked, 571.
  Brandied, 581.
  Canned, 578.
  Pickled, Sweet, 583.

Peanut Cookies, 490.
  Nougat, 540.

Peanuts, Salted, 536.

Pear Chips, 580.
  Salad, 340.

Pears, Baked, 571.
  Canned, 576.
  Pickled, Sweet, 583.

Pecans, Salted, 536.

Pectic Acid, 7.

Pectin, 7.

Pectose, 7.

Pectosic Acid, 7.

Pepper, Black, 13.
  Cayenne Capsicum, 13.
  White, 13.

Pepper and Grape Fruit Salad, 340.

Peppercorns, 13.

Peppermints, 544.

Peppers, Red, Canned, 581.
  Stuffed, I, 298.
  Stuffed, II, 298.
  Sweetbreads in, 372.

Persillade Potatoes, 313.

Petit Four, 502.
  Pepper Pot, 127.

Philadelphia Ice Cream, 433.

Piano Keys, to Clean, 590.

Pickled Onions, 585.

Pickles, Chopped, 584.
  Cucumber, Ripe, 583.
  Cucumber, Unripe, 584.
  Spanish, 585.
  Tomato, Ripe, 583.

Pickling, 582.

Pies, 466-474.
  Apple, I, 467.
  Apple, II, 467.
  Beefsteak, 212.
  Blackberry, 467.
  Blueberry, 468.
  Chicken, 251.
  Chocolate, 508.
  Cocoanut, 507.
  Cottage, 212.
  Cranberry, 468.
  Cream, 468.
  Cream, I, 507.
  Cream, II, 507.
  Currant, 468.
  Custard, 469.
  Date, 469.
  Lemon, I, 469.
  Lemon, II, 469.
  Lemon, III, 470.
  Lemon, IV, 470.
  Lemon, V, 470.
  Mince, 470.
  Mince Meat, I, 471.