Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/735

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  Mocha, 397.
  Molasses, 407.
  Orange, 407.
  Rum, 388.
  Sabyon, 409.
  Sterling, 409.
  Strawberry, 408.
  Vanilla, 406.
  Wine, 409.
  Yellow, I, 407.
  Yellow, II, 407.

Sausages, 238.

Sautéd Bananas, 571.
  Fillets of Beef, à la Moelle, 199.
  Fillets of Beef, Cherry Sauce, 199.
  Fillets of Beef, Stuffed Mushroom Caps, 200.
  Mignon Fillets of Beef, Figaro Sauce, 199
  Mignon Fillets of Beef, Trianon Sauce, 199.
  Pears, Chocolate Sauce, 418.

Sautéing, 22.

Sauterne Cup, 45.
  Jelly, 420.

Savory Oysters, 182.

Scallop and Tomato Salad, 343.
  Soup, Cream of, 133.
  Stew, 130.

Scallops, 156.
  Devilled, 369.
  Fried, 186.

Scones, Cream, 70.

Scotch Broth, 221.
  Soup, 117.
  Wafers, 486.
  Woodcock, 563.

Scrambled Eggs, 98.
  Country Style, 99.
  with Anchovy Toast, 99.
  with Calf's Brains, 557.
  with Sweetbreads, 557.
  with Tomato Sauce, 98.

Scrod, Broiled, 163.

Seed Cakes, 490.

Shad, 154.
  Planked, 167.
  Planked, with Creamed Roe, 168.
  Roe, Baked, 169.
  Roe, Broiled, 163.
  Roe, Fried, 174.
  Roe, with Celery, 370.

Shellfish, Bivalve Mollusks, 155.
  Clams, 156.
  Crabs, 158.
  Crustaceans, 156.
  Lobsters, 156.
  Oyster Crabs, 158.
  Oysters, 155.
  Scallops, 156.
  Shrimps, 158.

Sherbet, 433.
  London, 442.
  Milk, 437.

Short Cake, Fruit, 84.
  Strawberry, I, 83.
  Strawberry, II, 84.
  Strawberry, Rich, 84.

Shrimp Salad, 341.
  Sauce, 267.

Shrimps, 158.
  à la Newburg, 560.

Sicilian Sorbet, 438.

Silesian, 163.

Sink Drain, Care of, 588.

Smelts, 153.
  à la Langtry, 169.
  à la Menière, 173.
  Baked and Stuffed, 168.
  Fried, 173.
  Fried and Stuffed, 174.

Snowballs, 401.
  Cake, 515.
  Pudding I, 422.
  Pudding II, 422.

Soda Bicarbonate, 52.

Sodium Chloride, 5, 192.

Sole à la Bercy, 172.

Sorbet, 433.

Soubise Sauce, 267.

Soufflé, Apricot, 396.
  au Rhum, 378.
  Cheese, 377.
  Chestnut, 398.
  Chicken, 262.
  Chocolate, 397.
  Coffee, 424.
  Custard, 396.
  Egg, 103.
  Frozen, Glacé, 459.
  Frozen Orange, 458.
  Fruit, 397.
  Lemon, 396.
  Mocha, 397.
  Nut Prune, 416.
  Omelet, 379.
  Ramequins, 377.
  Spanish, 398.
  Vegetable, 307.

Souffléd Crackers, 145.

Soups, 109.
  à la Soubise, 126.
  Almond, 125.
  Appledore, 138.
  Artichoke, Cream of, 136.
  Asparagus, 123.
  Bean, Baked, 135.
  Bean, Black, 135.
  Bean, String, 126.
  Binding of, 113.
  Bisque, Mock, 141.
  Bisques, 110.
  Bortchock, 116.
  Bouillon, 109-114.
  Bouillon, Clam, 129.
  Bouillon, Iced, 114.
  Bouillon, Tomato, with Oysters 114.
  Cauliflower, Cream of, 125.
  Celery, I, 136.
  Celery, II, 137.
  Celery, Cream of, 123.
  Chestnut Purée, 126.
  Chicken, 120.
  Chicken, with Wine, 118.