Page:The Botanical Magazine, Volume 1.djvu/37

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[ 16 ]

Iris variegata. Variegated Iris.


Class and Order.

Triandria Monogynia.

Generic Character.

Corolla 6-partita; Petalis alternis, reflexis. Stigmata petaliformia.

Specific Character and Synonyms.

IRIS variegata corollis barbatis, caule subfolioso longitudine foliorum multifloro. Linn. Spec. Pl. p. 56.
IRIS latifolia pannonica, colore multiplici. Bauh. Pin. 31.
The yellow variable Flower-de-Luce. Parkinson Parad. p. 182.

This species of Iris, inferior to few in point of beauty, is a native of the hilly pastures of Hungary, and flowers in our gardens in the month of May, and beginning of June. It is a hardy perennial, requires no particular treatment, and may be easily propagated by parting its roots in Autumn.