Page:The Botanical Magazine, Volume 9 (1795).djvu/11

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Catananche Cærulea. Blue

Class and Order.

Syngenesia Polygamia Æqualis.

Generic Character.

Recept. paleaceum. Cal. imbricatus. Pappus aristatus, caliculo 5 feto.

Specific Character and Synonyms.

CATANANCHE cærulea squamis calicis inferioribus ovatis.

Linn. Syst. Vegetab. ed. 14. Murr. p. 722. Ait. Kew. v. 3. p. 134.

CHONDRILLA cærulea cyani capitulo. Bauh. Pin. 130.

The Catananche cærulea is a native of the South of France, where it grows in hilly fituations that are stony: it is a perennial herbaceous plant, moderately hardy, and has long been cultivated in our gardens, Mr. Aiton fays, by {{sp|Parkinson in 1640: Miller, who treats of it in his Dictionary, describes it as a pretty ornament to a garden, and one that is easily kept within bounds; there is certainly much about it to excite our admiration, more especially in the structure of the calyx, and the florets: the flowers, which are of a pale blue colour with a dark eye, make their appearance from July to October.

It is propagated by seeds, which Miller recommends to be sown in the Spring; the seedlings should be transplanted in the Autumn, into the borders where they are to remains; it may also be increased by slips: the plant requires a situation moderately dry, and is most productive of flowers and seeds when it stands long in one spot.

In the 14th edit. of the Systema Vegetab. of Prof. Murrayy, mention is made of a variety with double flowers, which we believe has not been seen in this country.