Page:The Botanist's Guide Through the Counties of Northumberland and Durham (Vol 1).djvu/113

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847. Salix argentea.

Near Percy's Cross, N.

848. Salix fusca.

In barren Pastures at Shewing Shields, N. On the Banks of Waskerly Bourn, D.

849. Salix repens.

Oh Newcastle Town Moor, N. On Gateshead Fell, D. &c. &c.

850. Salix rosmarinifolia.

On the Banks of Derwent near Friarside, D.

851. Salix aurita.

In Woods and Hedges.

Salix aurita var. β.

On Moors, frequent.

852. Salix aquatica.

In Woods and Hedges.

853. Salix oleifolia.

0n the Banks of Tyne, Wear, Team, and Derwent, N. and D.

854. Salix caprea.

On the Banks of Rivers, and in Hedges.

855. Salix mollissima.

In Hedges near Prestwick Carr, N.

856. Salix viminalis.

On the Banks of Rivers.

857. Salix alba.

Near Chirton, N.

858. Salix decipiens.—Hoffm.

On the Banks of Tyne, Wear, Team, and Derwent, N. and D.