Page:The Botanist's Guide Through the Counties of Northumberland and Durham (Vol 1).djvu/150

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P R E F A C E.

SINCE publishing the first part of this litte work the surviving Editors have been furnished with a list of phoenogamous Plants, indigenous to the county of Durham, by the Rev. J. Symons, F.L.S. and Mr. F. Scott having communicated the result of his botanic researches in the vicinity of Hexham, a copious Addenda has been formed from these materials. Nor should they omit to mention the assistance afforded by Mr. R. Wilson, of Medomsley; who, through the medium of numerous and correct drawings, has enabled them to ascertain many species of Fungi, which, from their evanescent nature, could only have been identified by these means. To these correspondents they acknowledge great obliga--
