Page:The Botanist's Guide Through the Counties of Northumberland and Durham (Vol 1).djvu/158

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5. Chara flexilis. Near Darlington—Mr W. Backhouse, jun.
6. Zostera marina. On Whitburn Beach, D.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.
14. Veronica Anagallis. In Whitburn Moor Lane, D.—Ditto.
15. Veronica scutellata. Near Castle Eden, D.—Ditto.
30. Valeriana Locusta. Near Whitburn, D.—Ditto.
44. Scirpus fluitans. In a Rivulet near Cleadon, D.
50. Eriophorum polystachion. In Bogs on the North Side of West Crow Bourn, above Wolsingham, D.
66. Agrostis vulgaris, var. γ.

This Plant is an annual. Can it be a Variety of A. vulgaris? On Moors near Knitsley, and in Alpine Pastures near Hamsterley, D.