Page:The Botanist's Guide Through the Counties of Northumberland and Durham (Vol 1).djvu/174

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1052. Bartramia ithyphylla.—Eng. Bot. t. 1710.—Bridel. t. 1. f. 6.

On a Wall at Eals-Bridge, near Blanchland, D. Note, This is Bartramia pomiformes of Swartz, p. 73, according to Specimens received from that Author.

1058. Bryum trichodes.—Eng. Bot. t. 1517.

In Bogs on Holliwell Moss, N.

1059. Bryum carneum.

On Gateshead Fell, D.

1061. Bryum bicolor—Eng. Bot. t. 1601.

1062. Bryum argenteum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1602.

1064. Bryum annotinum.

On the Banks of Derwent and of Nuckton Bourn, above Blancheland, N. and D.

1067. Bryum nigricans.—Eng. Bot. t. 1528.

1069. Bryum bimum—Eng. Bot. t. 1518.

1070. Bryum turbinatum—Eng. Bot. t. 1572.

On Gateshead Fell, D. On the Banks of Beldon Bourn, N.

1071. Bryum cuspidatum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1474.

1079. Polytrichum alpinum.

On the South Bank of Beldon Bourn, N.

1080. Polytrichum urnigerum.

Near Harlow Hill, N.

1081. Polytrichum pumilum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1624.

In the West of the County of Durham.

1082. Poly-