Page:The Botanist's Guide Through the Counties of Northumberland and Durham (Vol 1).djvu/178

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1124. Ulex nanus.

On Durham Moor.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.

1125. Trifolium pratense.

In Meadows and Pastures.

1126. Artemisia gallica.—Willdenow Sp. Pl. vol. 3. p. 1834.

A maritama γ.—Fl. Brit. 864.

A. maritima.—Eng. Bot. t. 1001.

On Willington Ballast Hills, N.

1127. Centaurea Jacea.—Willdenow Sp. Pl. vol. 3. p. 2303.—Eng. Bot. t. 1678.

On Willington Ballast Hills, N.

1128. Carex Oederi.—Ehrhart.

C. flava. var. β.—Wahlenberg. syn. p. 12.

On Moors and in marshy Meadows.

1129. Ceratophyllum demersum.

In Ditches on Durham Moor.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.

1130. Salix radicans.

By Ditches communicating with Prestwick Car, N.

1131. Atriplex pedunculata.

Found by the late Mr. Weighell, near Sunderland, Rev. J. Symons, jun.

1132. Aspidium spinulosum.—Pluk. Phyt. t. 179. f. 5.

In Cawsey Wood.

1133. Phascum curvicollum.—Eng. Bot. t. 905.

In Gravel Pits, near Darlington, D.—Mr. W, Backhouse, jun.

1134. Phascum bryoides.—Dicks. Crypt, fasc. 4. 3. t. 10. f. 3.—Eng. Bot. t. 1280.

On Gravel Walks, near Darlington, D.—Mr. Janson.

1135- Phas.