Page:The Botanist's Guide Through the Counties of Northumberland and Durham (Vol 1).djvu/199

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Lichen squamatus.—Dicks. Crypt. fasc. 2. 20.

On Earth upon the Marble Stone near Middleton in Teesdale, D.—H.

1264. Lecidea vesicularis.

Lichen coeruleo-nigricans. With. 4. 10. Eng. Bot. t. 1139.

On Limestone Rocks at Fawdon Slate. On Earth upon Limestone Rocks near Middleton in Teesdale, D.—H.

1265. Lecidea testacea.

Abundant on Rocks at Lanchester and Walls at Knitsley, D.

Obs. The Description of Acharius and Opinion of the Rev. Mr. Borrer, has induced us to insert this rare Plant in our Catalogue: though we must acknowledge that Mr. Turner, whose authority, in this Class, is very great, will not allow it to be Lichen saxifraga of Dr. Smith, in the Linnaean Transactions, which is a Synonym of Acharius.

1266. Lecidea canescens.

Lichen canescens.—Dicks. Crypt, fasc. 1. 10. pl. 25. With. 4. 9. Eng. Bot. t. 582.

On old Walls and Trees near Gainford, D.—H.

1267. Calicium daviculare.

Lichen clavellus.—Eng. Bot. t. 1465.

Calicium claviculare, var. β. roscidum.

Lichen graniformis.—Eng. Bot. t. 1464.

On old Trees near Egleston. On Trees in Cawsey Wood, D.

1268. Calicium sphaerocephalum.

Lichen sphaerocephalus.—Eng. Bot. t. 414.

On old Trees and on Wood, near Egleston, D.

1269. Calicium peronellum.

On decayed Wood near Egleston, D.

1270. Gy-