Page:The Botanist's Guide Through the Counties of Northumberland and Durham (Vol 1).djvu/232

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[1]1513. Conferva lucens.—Dillwyn t. 47. Eng. Bot. t. l655.

In alpine Rivelets in the West of the County of Durham.

[1]1514. Conferva sordida.—Dillwyn t. 60.

In Pools and Ditches.

[1]1515. Conferva ocracea.—Dillwyn t. 62.

In Pools and Ditches.

1516. Conferva amphibia.—Dillwyn t. 41. Dill. Musc. t. 4. f. 17.

On damp Walls, Trees, &c.

1517. Conferva littoralis.—Dillwyn t. 31. Dill. Musc. t. 4. f. 19.

On Rocks and the Stems of Fuci on the Coast.

1518. Conferva tomentosa.—Dillwyn t. 56. Dill. Musc. t. 3. f. 13.

On the Stems of Fuci on the Coast.

1519. Conferva aeruginosa-—Dill. Musc. t. 4. f. 20.

On the Beach near Hartley, N. and Sunderland, D.

1520. Conferva scoparia.—Dillwyn t. 52. Eng. Bot. t. 1552. Dill. Musc. t. 4. f. 23.

On the Coast, common.

1521. Conferva cancellata.—Dill. Musc. t. 4. f. 22.

On Rocks and Stones on the Coast.

[1]1522. Conferva flexuosa—Dillwyn t. 10.

In Jarrow Slake and Southwick Marsh, D.

*1523. Con-
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Obs. This Genus is arranged according to Turner's Synopsis of the British Fuci.