Page:The Botanist's Guide Through the Counties of Northumberland and Durham (Vol 1).djvu/236

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[1]1556. Conferva repens.—Dillwjn. t. 18.—Eng. Bot. t. 1608.

On Fuci on the Coast.

[1]1557. Conferva atro-virens.—Dillwyn. t. 25.

In Alpine Rivulets in the West of the County of Durham.

[1]1553. Conferva atro-rubescens.—Dillwin t. 70.

On Rocks and Shells on the Coast.

[1]1559. Conferva ilicicola.—Eng. Bot. t. 1639.

On the Bark of the Holly in Woods, D.

[1]1560. Conferva lichenicola.—Eng. Bot. t. 1609.

Growing intermixed with Lichen marmorea of Withering, in the West of the County of Durham.

[1]1561. Conferva velutina.—Eng. Bot. t. 1556.
Byssus velutina. (With.)Dill. Musc. t. 1. f. 14.

On the Earth in moist shady Places.

1562. Byssus phosphorea.—Dill. Musc. t. 1. f. 6.

On Rotten Wood near Medomsley, D.

1563. Byssus nigra.—Eng. Bot. t. 702. Dill. Musc. t. 1. f. 8.

On Rocks in Cawsey Wood, D.

1564. Byssus fulva.—B. barbata, Eng. Bot. t. 701. With. p. 18. f. 5. α. β. Dill. Musc. t. 1. f. 19.

On rotten Timber.

1565. Byssus septica.—Dill. Musc. t. 1. f. 9.

In damp Cellars.

1566. Bys-
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Obs. This Genus is arranged according to Turner's Synopsis of the British Fuci.