Page:The Botanist's Guide Through the Counties of Northumberland and Durham (Vol 1).djvu/99

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712. Tanacetum vulgare.

On Borders of Fields and Banks of Rivers.

Tanacetum vulgare, var. β.

In a Lane near Wolsington Hall, N.

713. Artemisia maritima.

On the Shores of Wear near Hilton Castle, D. On the Shores of Tyne at Coble Dean, and at the Mouth of Wall's End Bourn, N.

714. Artemisia Absinthium.

On Rubbish and by Road Sides, frequent.

715. Artemesia vulgaris.

On Rubbish and by Hedges.

716. Gnaphalium dioicum.

In dry heathy Pastures and on Moors.

717. Gnaphalium rectum.

In Woods and sandy Pastures.

718. Gnaphalium uliginosum.

In sandy Places where Water has stood during Winter.

719. Gnaphalium minimum.

On sandy Heaths, frequent.

720. Gnaphalium germanicum.

In Pastures, Corn Fields, and by Road Sides.

721. Erigeron canadense.

On Pallion Ballast Hills.—W. Weighell.