Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/160

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[Auckland and

Caules 3-4 unciales, graciles, laxe enespitosi, parce ramosi ; ramis erectis. Folia laxe inabricata ut in H. elongate/, sed multo minora et e basi subquadrata gradatim attenuata, minute serrulata, nervo valido apice incrassato subexcurrente instructa, areolis minimis subrotiindis v. punctiformibus.

This moss might readily be taken for a slender state of the H. elongatum, nobis, from which it is truly distinct in the lower part of the leaf being subquadrate, angled on each side a little above the base, thence tapering gradually to a point, in the margin being more minutely serrated, the nerve stronger, and in the smaller reticidation.

Plate LX. Fig. TV. — 1, a specimen of the natural size ; 2 and 3, leaves ; 4, portion of a leaf, shewing the reticidation : — Magnified.

5. Hypnum seabrifolium, Hook. fil. et TVils. ; caule pinnatim ramoso, foliis laxe imbricatis ovato-lanceolatis acuminatis margine scabris dorso papulosis nervo valido subexcurrente. (Tab. LX. Fig. VI.)

Hab. Lord Auckland's group ; barren. (I)/: Lj/all.)

Caules unciales et ultra, ramis interdum divisis. Folia cauHna dissita, patentia, subrecurva ; ramulina minora, laxe imbricata, ereeto-patentia, vix secunda, siccitate incurva, nervo continuo, omnia margine scabra subdenticulata, glaucescentia, areolis minimis punctiformibus opacis.

This is one of the discoveries of my zealous friend Dr. Lyall, the value of whose collection is particularly noticed in the preface to this work. The number of mosses and sea-weeds especially, brought home from the Antarctic regions, was much increased through that officer's unwearied exertions.

Nearly allied to the H. crispifolium, Hook. (Muse. Exot. t. 31), but smaller, with the leaves neither plicate nor falcate.

Plate LX. Fig. XI. — 1, a specimen of the natural she; 2, a branch; 3 "and 4, leaves; 5, apex of ditto: — magnified.

  • * Foliis riiptinerviis.

6. Hypxum rutabuhim, L.; caule procurnbente vage ramoso, rarnis subcompressis, foliis patentibus

laxe imbricatis ovatis acuminatis subserrulatis nervo ad medium evanido, seta scabra, theca cernua ovata, operculo conico. H. rutabuhim, Linn. Sp. PI. p. 1590. Hedw. Muse. Frond, vol. iv. p. 29. 1. 12. Hoot, et Tai/l. Muse. Brit. p. 176. t, 26.

Hab. Lord Auckland's group and Campbell's Island ; in marshy situations.

There are two varieties in the collection, both of them ban-en.

7. Hypntjm serpens, L. ; caule subpiimatim ramoso, ramulis simpliciuscuks filiformibus suberecti^, foliis patentibus ovatis acuminatis evanidinerviis, tlieca cernua oblonga, operculo convexo subconico acuto. H. serpens, Finn. Sjj. PI. p. 1596. Hedwig, Muse. Frond, vol. iv. p. 45. 1. 18. Hook, et Tayl. Muse. Brit. p. 155. t. 21.

Var. /3 ; foliis subsolidinerviis.

Hab. Lord Auckland's group ; the var. (3 only. (Dr. Lyall.)

Except in the more defined nerve, this does not materially differ from British specimens.

  • * * Foliis subenermis.

3. Htpntjm aeutifoli/'M, Hook. fil. et Wils. ; caule fastigiatim ramoso, foliis dense imbricatis suberectis elliptico-lanceolatis acuminatis integerrimis enerviis. (Tab. LX. Fig. V.)

Hab. Campbell's Island.