Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/163

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Campbell’s Islands.]

stances the stems become much elongated, and the whole plant resembles the Ancectangium aquaticum, Hedw. The drawing is made from New Zealand specimens.

Plate LXI. Fig. II. — 1, a specimen of the natural size; 2, another, of the aquatic state, also of the natural size; 3 and 4, leaves; 5, young theca; 6 and 7, mature theca? : — magnified.

15. HYFmmJilieinim, L. ; caule comprcsso pinnatim rarnoso, foliis falcato-secundis lanceolatis acuminatis basi cordatis solidinerviis perichsetialibus striatis, theca cernua subcylindraeea, operculo conico acuto. H. filicinum, Linn. Sp. PI. p. 1590. Hedw. Sp. Muse. p. 258. t. 76. f. 7-10. Hook et Tai/l. Muse. Brit. p. 183. t. 26.

Var. /3, minor; caule gracili, foliis suberectis lanceolatis.

Hab. Var. /3. Lord Auckland's group; in woods by the banks of streams. (Dr. Li/all.)

Though the habit is more delicate than that of British specimens, we are unable to separate this moss specifically from II. filicinum, of which a perfectly intermediate variety occurs in the Falkland Islands.

16. Hypnum fluitans, L. ; caule erecto v. natante subpinnatirn ranioso, foliis laxe iinbricatis falcatis lanceolatis acuminatis nervo ultra medium producto, theca cernua oblonga, operculo conico. H. fluitans, Linn. Fl. Suec. Ed. 2. p. 399. Hedw. Muse. Frond, vol. iv. p. 94. t. 36. Hook. Muse. Brit. p. 185. t. 24.

Hab. Campbell's Island ; in swampy places, barren.

  • * Foliis enerviis.

17. Hypnum ffraeile, Hook. fil. et Wils. ; caule rarnoso, ramis gracilibus subrecuxvis, foliis iinbricatis secundis erecto-patentibus ellipticis obtusiusculis concavis subdenticulatis subenerviis, perichsetialibus squarrosis. (Tab. LXI. Fig. III.)

Hab. Lord Auckland's group; dry rocky places near the tops of the hills, scarce and barren.

Caules unciales et ultra, curvati, subsimplices, nunc valde raniosi; ramis gracilibus. Folia elliptica, subspathulata, minutissime denticulata, nervo infra medium evanido v. nervis duobus brevibus, areohs linearibus supremis latioribus ; perieliwtialia ovata, acuminata, serrulata, enervia.

Allied to H. micans, Wils. (in Hook. Brit. Fl. vol. ii. p. 86), but different in the branched stems and larger leaves, which are not recurved at the margin.

Plate LXI. Fig. III. — 1, a specimen of the natural size ; 2, a portion of a branch ; 3 and 4, leaves : — magnified.

18. Hypnum cupressiforme, L. ; caule decumbente vage pinnatim rarnoso, ramis siniplicibus incurvis, foliis circinnato-falcatis secundis ovatoJanceolatis integerrimis subenerviis, perichsetiahbus conforrnibus, theca subcernua cylindracea, operculo conico cuspidate H. cupressiforme, Linn. Sji. PI. p. 1592. Hedw. Muse. Frond, vol. iv. p. 59. t, 23. Hook, et Tai/l. 3Iusc. Brit. p. 189. t. 27.

Hab. Lord Auckland's group and Campbell's Island ; abundant, but barren.

19. Hypnum leptorliynclmm, Brid. ; caule subpinnatirn cliviso, foliis falcatis tortis lineari-lanceolatis acuminatis apice denticulatis enerviis, theca nutante oblonga, operculo longissime et tenuissime rostrato. H. (Stereodon) leptorhynchum, Brid. Bri/ol. Univ. vol. ii. p. 621. Sckwaeg. Sitjjpl. vol. i. pt. 2. p. 295. t. 93.

Yar. ft seta brevior.

Hab. Lord Auckland's group ; both varieties on the trunks of prostrate trees, rare.