Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/168

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[Auckland and

Plate LXIT. Fig. VII. — 1, a specimen of the natural size ; 2, front view and 3, lateral view of portion of stem and leaves ; 4, leaf ; 5, ditto of perigonium ; magnified.

(3. Auliculaeia, Co-rda.)

5. Jtogeiiiiax>"1a occlusa, Hook. fil. et Tayl.; caule erecto laxe caespitoso, ramis binis simplicibus v. parce ramosis, foliis appressis reniformi-rotuiidatis basi sublobulatis in ramos decurrentibus integerrimis concaviusculis. (Tab. LXII. Fig. V1TI.)

Hab. Campbell's Island ; in moist boggy places.

Caules biunciales, luride v. pallide virescentes, inferne bnumei v. nigrescentes. Folia olivacea, pallide flava v. brumiea, supeme arete in capitulum cii'cinnatum imbricata, areolis crebris minimis. This is evidently the southern representative of /. compressa, from which it is distinguishable by the inferior margin of the leaf being produced into a lobe, as also by the closer and smaller cells of the leaves. In the European plant the lower lobe of the leaf is decurrent on the stem, but does not form a lobe nor is it produced below the junction of its inferior margin with the branch.

Plate LXII. Fig. VIII. — 1, a specimen of the natural size; 2 and 3, leaves; magnified.

6. Juxgekmajtn'ia stronyylophylla, Hook. fil. et Tayl.; minuta, caulibus csespitosis erectis rarnosis, foliis minimi s suberectis laxe imbricatis secundis rotundatis integerrimis concaviusculis, stipulis truncatis bifidis, calyce oblongo subcompresso ore rotundato bilabiato. ((Tab. LXII. Fig. IX.)

Var. /3, minima ; gracilis, foliis minoribus.

Hab. Campbell's Island ; on the hills: var. £, Lord Auckland's group ; in wet places at the roots of grasses, &c.

Caspites brunnei v. virescentes, supra muscos prostrati v. iis immixti. Caules graciles, subflexuosi. Folia minima, laxe cellulosa, pellucida, cellulis marginalibus majoribus, madore sub lente pallide fusco-oHvacea. Stipules oblongae v. obovatae, truncatae, bifidee. Folia perichatialia elongata calyce oblongo-obovato ore crenato paulo longiora. Varietal /3, minor evadit, fohis remotis perigoniisque instructa. Perigonia plurima, lateralia, e foliis majoribus confertis ventricosis spicatis formata.

There is no northern congener with which this will bear any close comparison ; the form of the calyx and pericha?tial leaves resemble the /. crenulata ; the present is, however, a very much smaller plant, distinctly stipulate, of a different habit and with rounder leaves.

Plate LXII. Fig. IX. — 1, a specimen of the natural size; 2, the same, magnified; 3, portion of branch with leaf and stipule ; magnified.

(4. Gottschea, Nees.)

7. JrjNGERMA?TN*iA Lehmaiiniana, Lind. in Lehm. Pugill. Plant. IF. p. 60. Gottsche, Nees et Liudenb. Synops. Hepat. p. 20. G. Hombroniana, Mont, in Voy. au Pole Sud. Bot. Crypt. 1. 16. f. 1. et in Ann. Sc.Naf.lM3. p. 243.

Hab. Lord Auckland's group ; on rocks and at the roots of trees in the woods, abundant.

Also a native of Tasmania and of New Holland. We quite agree with the authors of the 'Synopsis Hepaticarum' in uniting G. Hombroniana, Mont, with this.