Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/189

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Campbell's Islands.]

The shoots of this species appear like rows of the minutest beads, so small is the whole plant, and the stem is all but imperceptible, even with a tolerable lens. The position of the lobe on the lower part of the leaf resembles that of a Radula.

(19. Symphiogyna, Nees.)

78. Jungermannia Thyttantkus, Hook., Muse. Exot. t. 95.

Hab. Lord Auckland's group ; in the shaded woods, abundant but barren.

79. Jtjngermaxxia flabellata, Lab., Fl. Nov. Hott. vol.ii. p.109. t. 254. f. 1. Hook. Muse. Exot. t. ] 8.

Hab. Lord Auckland's group; with the former, but also barren. (20. Aneura, Nees.)

80. Jungeruannia mnltifda, L. Hook. Brit. Jungerm. t. 45.

Var. /3, incisa ; frondibus atro-viridibus carnosis inciso-ramosis, lobis pinnatis apice bilobis subdecurvis.

J. incisa, nobis, in Hook. Loud. Journ. of Bot. vol. iv. p. 93.

Var.? y, minima ; caespitosa, frondibus vix i lin. latis.

Hab. Lord Auckland's group and Campbell's Island ; var. /3, in the former locality only ; var. y, Lord Auckland's group. (Dr. Lyall.)

Of this widely diffused and highly variable plant we have noticed what appear to be the most striking varieties; all of them are destitute of any trace of fructification, and some may be improperly included under this species, or even genus ; there are, however, no grounds for removing them from Aneura, and being anxious to draw attention in this work to all that is known of the Flora of the South, we prefer arranging such dubious plants with their nearest apparent allies, to passing them by unrecorded.

(21. Metzgeria, Nees.)

81. JuNGVVLMAzrxiAfurcata, L. Hook. Brit. Jung. t. 55. and 56. Var. y, aruginosa, Brit. -Jungerm. I.e.

Hab. Lord Auckland's group and Campbell's Island ; very abundant at the roots of ferns and other plants ; var. y, on the bark of trees. This plant is as variable in size in this part of the world as in others. ,

(22. Zoopsis, Hook. f I. et Tayl.)

Perichatium e squamis paucis lanceolatis. Calyx e frondis nervo ortus, pedicellatus, obovato-oblongus, in lacinias plurinias fissus. — Frondes lineares, parce ramosce, e ceilidh hexagonis pro magnititdine planta majusciilis tumidis formatce, nervo centrali valido, marginibus crenatis interdum sinuato-repandh. Calyx maximus. — Planta anomala a Diplolana, Nees, differt calyce simplici, hinc, scilicet extrorsmn, squamis pericha?tialibus prsedito.

82. Jungermaxsia argentea, Hook. fil. et Tayl.; Hook. Lond. Journ. of Botany, vol. iii. p. 400. sub Metzgeria. (Tab. LXVI. Fig. VI.)