Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/276

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[Fuegia, the

pliylla[1], mihi, (vid. infra) the stamens are definite and nvariably four or five in number, alternating with as many conspicuous obcordate fleshy flattened glands, placed rather externally to them and alternating also with the segments of the calyx, to which the stamens are opposite. The filaments are flattened, and the anthers decidedly extrorse, an arrangement probably common to the other species, where, owing to the filiform and slender filaments, it escapes notice. The ovary has three lines of parietal placenta? : there are four in some other species, A . lanceolata, A. Chiloense, and A. serrata, whose ovaries I have examined.


1. VIOLA, Town.

1. Viola, metadata, Cav. Icon. vol. vi. p. 20. t. 539. DC. Prodr. vol. i. p. 297. FfUrville in Mem. Soc. Linn. Paris, vol. 4. p. 617. Freyc. Voy. Bot. p. 137. Hook. Ic. Plant, t. 499. Hook, et Am. in Bot. Miscell. vol. iii. p. 144. et Bot. Beechey Voy. p. 10. V. pyrolsefoba, Poiret Diet. vol. viii. p. 636. Gaud, i?i Ann. So. Nat. vol. v. p. 102. (excl. syn. V. Magebanicee, Forst.)

Hab. Strait of Magalliaens; Commerson. Falkland Islands; Nee, Bougainville and all succeeding voyagers.

Petala lateralia glanduloso-barbata, supremo plerumque glaberrimo. Antherarum margines ciliati.

A native both of the east and west sides of South America, in the former inhabiting the coast at Cape Farewell and the Falkland Islands, and on the west side re-appearing at Chiloe and Valdivia, and passing thence north to Conception ; a singular distribution, for I have seen no specimens from the Strait itself, which is Commerson's habitat, according to De Candolle. The two varieties, constituted by Poiret, are hardly of sufficient importance to be retained, though De Candolle has done so, under the names of a, megapliylla and /3, micropliylla.

2. Viola Magellanica, Forst. ; subacaubs, foliis omnibus radicalibus longe petiolatis reniformi-rotundatis crenatis supra pilosiusculis, stipubs lanceolatis integris v. apice laceris, scapo sobtario unifloro foliis bis longiore, bracteis lanceolatis, sepabs oblongo-lanceolatis obtusis, petabs obovatis laterabbus barbatis, inferiore in sacculum brevem obtusum producto, stylo arcuato, stigmate nudo. V. MageUanica, Forst. in Comm. Gmtt. vol. ix. p. 41. t, S. DC. Prodr. vol. i. p. 297.

Hab. Staten Land ; Forster, Dr. Eights. Soutb part of Tierra del Fuego ; C. Darwin, Esq.

Rldzoma plus minusve elongatum, ad apicem foba pauca scapumque solitarium gerens. Petio/i graeiles, 2-5 unc. longi, glaberrhni. Folia magnitudine varia, -|— 1-j- unc. longa, supra pibs paucis praecipue versus margines instructa, infra glaberrima. Scopus gracilis, petiolis bis longior, superne puberulus, ad f longitudinis bibracteatus, bracteis parvis. Flos magnitudine V. odorata, verosirmliter flavus, siccitate punctatus.

  1. A. micropliylla, n. sp. ; glaberrima, ramis ramubsque distichis divaricatis, foliis distichis parvis coriaceis integerrimis, inajoribus obovatis obtusis in petiolum brevem attenuatis, minoribus oblongis rotundatisve, corymbis sessilibus v. breviter peduncidatis, floribus parvis, staminibus 4 — 5 glandulis alternantibus, filamentis planiuscidis, antheris extrorsis.
    Hab. Chiloe; Capt.King. Province of Valdivia, at the base of the Andes ; Bridges (n. 560).
    Fndex 10 — 15-pedabs.. Rami pedales, stricti. Folia ^ unc. longa, nitentia, interdum apiculata. Corymbi folium minus subaequantes, 5 — 7 flori, floribus parvis.