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Falklands, etc.]

p. 303. A. aretioides, Willd. Herb. A. caespitosa, y, Willi. Sp. PI. vol. i. p. 1360. Mulinum acaiile, Pers.Syn. vol. i. p. 309. Bolax aretioides, Spreng. Spec. Umbell. vol. i. p. 11. B. caespitosus, Spreng. in Ramcr et Schdtes Syst. Veg. vol. vi. p. 359. [exclud. syn. Selini acaulis. Cav.) Bolax foliis ovato-acumi- natis &c? Commerson, fid. Cavanilles. Hydrocotyle guramifera, y, Land: Fucycl. vol. iii. p. 156.

Hab. Strait of Magalhaeus ; Port Gregory, Capt. King; West Falkland Island, Nee, Capt. Sullivan.

Caides plerique unciales, exemplaribus Falklandicis 3-4 pollicares, ramosi, rigidi, e foliis subrecurvis squarrosi. Folia i line, longa, kete viridia, inferiora saepe discolora. Umbetta. 6-8-flora. Pedicelli riorum brevissimi, post anthesin verosirniiiter elongati, ut in icone Cavanillesii. Petala oblonga, subobtusa. Stylopodia majuscula. Fructm immatums ad suturam vix contractus, dorso planiuscidus.

It it exceedingly difficidt to um'avel the synonymy of the species belonging to this genus. The name of Chamitis was applied to A. filamentosa, Lam., and A. trifurcata, Hook., by Gaertner in 1788, adopted from the MSS. of Banks and Solander. These voyagers discovered a third species, Chauitis trifurcata, a name which Gaertner has accidentally affixed to his plate of A. tricuspidata. The Azorella caspitosa, according to a statement made by Cavanilles, 1. c, was probably first detected by Commerson; the specimens figured by the author just quoted are from the Cordillera of Chili, and Mr. Darwin having gathered it at Port Desire, and Capt. King at Cape Fail-weather, it is probably a very general plant throughout the southern parts of Patagonia.

2. Azorella filamentosa, Larnk.; laxe caespitosa, caulibus diffusis ramosis, ramis congestis interdum elongatis, foliis liueari-lanceolatis subspatliulatis subevmbiformibus marginibus inflexis integerrimis in petiohun aequilonguin basi vaginantem longe setoso-ciliatum desineutibus, umbellis breviter peduneulatis 6-8-floris, fructu ovato subtereti, mericarpiis dorso convexis 5-jugis. A. filamentosa, Land-. Euegcl. vol. i. p. 311. III. Gen. t. 189. f. 1. (pessime, e icone Gaertneri imitata). raid, Symbol, vol. iii. p. 47. DC. Prodr. vol. iv. p. 77. Iloolc. Ic. Plant, t. 541 . Hombron et Jaeq. Yoy. an Pole S/ttl, Pot. Bicot. Plum. t. 15. B. A. Chamitis, Pers. Sgnops. vol. i. p. 303. PflJnille in Mem. Linn. Soc. Paris, vol. iv. p. 614. Gaudichaud in Freyc. Toy. Pot. p. 136. Chamitis integrifolia, Gaertner de Fruct. vol. i. p. 94. t. 22 {eMSS. Baidisii et Solandri in Mus. Banks, cimi icone). Bolax filamentosa, Spreng. in Schidt. Syst. Veget. vol. vi. p. 359.

Hab. Strait of Magalliaens, Commerson; Good Success Bay, Banks and Solander; Port Famine, Capt. King ; Hermite Island, ./. I). H ; Falkland Islands, If Urville, Mr. Chartres, J. B. II.

The genus Azorella was founded upon this species and is probably a name of Commerson 5 s ; for Lamarck, who adopted it in 17 S3, remarks that, not knowing the fnut, he cannot see how it differs from Hydrocotyle.

The present is a very common plant throughout Fuegia and the Falkland Islands. Gaertner mentions having examined specimens in the Bauksian Herbarium, with three carpels.

3. Azorella trifurcata, Gaertn.; dense caespitosa, foliis arete imbricatis patentim recurvis rigidis oblongis superne dilatatis in lacunas" 3 paulo divaricatas cuspidatas fissis basi vagiuante marginibus obscure ciliatis pilis deciduis, umbella subsessili, inyolueri foliolis parvis subidatis subciliatis, fructibus late ovato-oblongis teretiusculis, mericarpiis 5-jugis dorso convexis, calycis limbo obtuse 5-dentato. A. trifurcata, Hook. Ic. Plant, t. 539. A. ^euspidata, Lwmh. Mhtst. Gen. vol. ii. t.l89.f.4. Hombron et Jacq. Voy.auPole Sud, Bot. Bicot. Phan. t. 15. C. Cliamitis trifurcata, Banks et Sol. MSS. in Mus. Banks, cum ic. Gaertner de Fruct. vol. i. p. 95. C. tricuspidata, Gaertner, I. c. t. 22. f. 4 (non Banks et Solander). Species ita cum sequente et Bolax glebaria confusa ut svnonyma Lamarckii, Poiretii, Willdenoyiique extricare nequeam.

Hab. Fuegia ; Good Success Bay, Banks and Solander. Cape Gregory and Port Famine, Capt. King.