Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/352

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[Fuegia, the

§ III. Kadiatee, lanafa.

13. Senecio Smithii, DC. j caule herbaceo erecto cavo simplici superne corymboso foliisque subter v. utrinque laxe lauato, foliis radicabbus longe petiolatis oblongis basi cordatis subacutis dentatis petiolo basi vaginante caulinis cordatis lanceolatisve sessibbus acuxninatis crenato-dentatis, corymbo terininali 6-po- lycephalo, capitulis amplis, involucris late campanulatis, bgulis 15-16 interdum elongatis apice acutis dilatatisve, pappo acbaenio breviore. S. Smithii, DC. Prodr. vol. vi. p. 412. Senecio verbascifolius, Homb. et Jacq. in Voy. an Pole Sud, Bot. Dicot. Phan. t. 12, A. Cineraria gigantea, Smith Ejcot. Bot. vol. ii. p. 11. t. 65. C. leucanthema, Banks et Sol. 31SS. in Mus. Banks, cum icone.

Hab. Strait of Magalhaens; Port Famine, Cajit. King. Cape Negro, C. Darwin, Esq., MM. Hombron and Jacquinot. Good Success Bay, Banks and Solander.

Herba tripedalis, facie S. candidanlis. Capitula 1-2 unc. diametro. LigulcB longitudine variae, apice acuta; rotundatae v. truncates et 3-5-fidae. Pappus achaenio niaturo sulcata cylindraceo i unc. longo brevior.

A handsome species, very uncertain in the length and form of its ligulse, which are in Capt. King's specimens an inch long, in Mr. Darwin's not half so much and according to the figure in the 'Voyage au Pole Sud' of a few-flowered specimen, sometimes shorter still. The cauline leaves also are variable in shape and in their woolliness. Capt. King gathered the same species (with several allied ones) in Chiloe, in fruit, the achaenia are fully formed, but perhaps abortive, being slender, striated and longer than the pappus. The colour of the ray is remarkably pale for the genus, like that of S. trifurcatus, DC. MM. Hombron and Jacquinot assert that it is also a Cape of Good Hope species, which is exceedingly unlikely to be the case.

14. Senecio Falklandiais, Hook. fil. ; frutescens, ramis pedunculis foliisqne subter lana molli dense vestitis, foliis Hneari- oblongis oblongo-lanceolatis obovato-spathulatisve integerrimis repando-dentatisve apice callo subacuto terminatis marginibus revolutis super glabratis arachnoideisve, capitulis majusculis sub-solitariis plerisque pedunculatis, pedunculis bracteatis, involucri late campanvdati squamis sub 3-serialibus liuearibus basi extus lanatis. S. Httoralis, rar. a, lanatus, Gaud, in Ann. Sc. Nat. vol. v. p. 104, et in Freyc. Toy. Bot. p. 468. B'Urville in Mem. Soc. Linn. Paris, vol. iv. p. 611. Homb. et Jacq. in Toy. au Pole Sud, t. 10. E.? (Tab. CX.)

Hab. Falkland Islands, very abundant, Gaudichaud, C. Darwin, Esq., Capt. Salivan, J. D. H.

Frutex 1-4-pedalis, e basi ramosus. Folia juniora latiora, spathulata, in petiolum gracdem attenuata, l-i- unc. longa, f imc. lata, parcius lanata, margine tenuiter revoluta, ramis senioribus angustiora, marginibus interdiun usque ad costam revolutis. Pedunculi floccosi, plerique 2-3-unciales, monoeephali. Capitula ampla, l-i- unc. diametro.

The present plant was supposed by both Gaudichaud and D 'Urville to be a state of S. Httoralis, from which it is however abundantly distinct, especially in its frutescent habit, aud the broader, lanate and blunter leaves. Whether it be really different from the three following species is much more questionable; I am inclined to think it is not, however great their dissimdarity in habit. It differs again from the discoid S. Patagonicus, only in the presence of a ray and the peduncles being solitary. I am doubtful whether the figure of MM. Hombron and Jacquinot refers to this plant, their specimens are from the Strait of Magalhaens.

Plate CX. Fig. 1, receptacle ; fig.1i, floret of the ray ; fig. 3, arms of the style of the same ; fig. 4, seta of pappus ; fig. B, floret of the disc ; fig. 6, stamen ; fig. 7, arms of the style of the same ; fig. 8, ripe achaenium : — all magnified.