Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/397

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Falklands, etc.]

Evidently the European E. palmtris, which is also a native of Patagonia, and very widely diffused throughout the temperate regions of both the northern and southern hemispheres. Hypogynous setæ are generally present, though those of my specimens vary in size; Kunth says, " setæ plane abortientes in Scirpo melanostachyo" and D'Urville and Brongniart have, from their occasional absence, included this species in Fimbristylis.


1. Isolepis pygmcea, Kunth, En. Plant, vol. ii. p. 191.

Yax.brevis. Isolepis brevis, Dwperrey, Toy. Bot. p. ISO. I. Magellanica, Gaud. in Duperrey, l roy. Bot. p. 414. I. Meyeniana, Nees, in Nov. Act. Acad. Cms. vol. xix. Suppl. p. 87. Var. elongata. I. pygniaea, var. /3, Kunth, I. c. I. trigona, Kunze, in Poeppig, Coll. n. 1. p. 27 (?).

Hab. Var. brevis, Falkland Islands, D'Urville, J. D. II. Var. elongata, Cape Tres Montes, C. Darwin, Esq.

The variations in the size, form, and markings on the surface of the achaenia of the otherwise almost identical forms of Isolepis seem really endless. Falkland Island specimens are short, with small spikes, and small fuscous achaenia, which are broader than long and punctulate, but the puneta not in parallel lines. Mr. Darwin's plant is much longer, and has rather longer spikes, with elliptical ovate larger achaenia, which are longer than broad and similarly punctulate, its culms are often ten inches long. The /. lepida, Nees (in Linnaea, vol. iv. p. 291), judging by Cuming's Valparaiso specimens (in Herb. Hook.), resembles the plant of Mr. Darwin, its achaenia are precisely similar to those of the Falkland Island variety in form, colour and surface, but scarcely half as large.

The Cape of Good Hope I. pygmcea, so called by Kunth, has the achsnium of /. lepida, but pale coloured and smaller still ; while the Auckland Island I. Aucklandica (p. 88. t. L) has larger fruit than any.

All of the above differ from the European /. Savii, Seb. and Maur., in the achaenia not being so deeply punctate or striate. In size and form the pericarp of /. Savii resembles that of the Falkland Island plant.


1. Ch.etospoka Antarctica, Hook, fil.; culmis dense caespitosis teretibus basi Miosis, foliis culnium vix sequantibus anguste lineari-elongatis rigidis seniiteretibus super canaliculars glaberrimis, spiralis sub 6 in paniculam brevem coarctatani involucre 5-phyllo breviorem aggregatis 1-floris, squamis distichis carinatis iinberbibus, setis liypogynis 6 capillaribus nucem superantibus. (Tab CXLVII.)

Hab. Cape Tres Montes; Patch Cove, alt. 2,000 feet, C.Darwin, Esq.

Radix e fibris crassis descendentibus. Rhizoma breve, inclinatum. Culmi dense caespitosi, rigidi, erecti. Folia 6-pollicaria, basi in vaginam castaneam chartaceani 1 uuc. longam dilatata ; lamina vix lin. lata, apice acuminata. Panicula sub 1 unc. longa, coarctata, involucro basi vaginante brevior. Spicules erectae, pedieellatse, inferiores involucratas, unc. longa?, lineari-oblongae, uniilores. Squama sub 5, pallide flavo-fuscaa, nitidae, lineari-oblongae, acuminata?, dorso carinatas, inferiores supremaque vacuae. Stamina 3. Selce hypogyuae 6, squamis breviores, graciles, scaberulae. Nux elliptico-oblonga, angulis costatis, glaberrima, polita, pallide fusca. Stylus gracilis, elongatus, apice stigmataque iiliformia exserta.

Plate CXLVII. Fig. 1, spikelet ; fig. 2, flower with the anthers fallen away : — both magnified.

2. Ch^etospora laxa, Hook, fil.; culmis dense cfespitosis teretibus basi foliosis, fobis cuhno brevioribus anguste lineari-elongatis rigidis seniiteretibus super canaliculatis glaberrimis, spiculis plurimis in paniculam