Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/410

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[Fuegia, the

nervis obscuris, dorso arista basi recurva deinde incurva instructa. Arista glumas superans, gracilis, scaberula. Palea superior latiuscula, membranacea, obscure bifida.

I have presumed this to be the A. Magellanica of Lamarck, for it agrees with his insufficient description, and also with the longer one given by Poiret, except that the awn is not terminal, though so described (possibly through inadvertence) by that author. As a species it is very nearly allied to the following, but may be distinguished by the larger glumes, greater size, and conspicuous upper palea.

6. Agrostis Antarctica, Hook. fil.; erecta, caespitosa, panicula elongata nutante v. inclinata sub-densiflora, ramis subverticillatis pedicellisque scabridis, gluinis sequalibus pilosiusculis glabratisve carina scabridis fiosculum basi glaberriimiin bis longioribus, palea inferiore apice truncata 4-cuspidata 5-nervi, nervo intermedio ad medium in aristam glumas superantem desinente, superiore parva, squamulis oblongo- acinaciformibus subacutis. A. Magellanica, Gaud, in Ann. Sc. Nat. vol. v. p. 100, et in Freyc. Toy. Bot. p. 131 (?). (Tab. CXXXII.)

Hab. South Chili and Fuegia, from the Chonos Archipelago to Cape Horn, the Falkland Islands and Kerguelen's Land, very abundant.

Statura variabilis. Culmi 2 unc. ad bipedalem, graciles, superne nudi v. vaginis fohorum tecti. Folia et infiorescentia A. Antarctica, sed foliorum vagina? plerumque latiores, pauicula densior, locustae minores, arista paulo longior, paleaque superior multoties minor.

Agrostis Antarctica is one of the most abundant of grasses in the regions it inhabits, especially in swampy grounds, which seem particularly favourable to its growth. It is also a very elegant plant, from its graceful habit and the form of its nodding panicle. It may be the true A. Magellanica of Lamarck, and judging from its abundance, appears natural to suppose so ; but the very short upper palea is not alluded to in that author's description, and Poiret's observation that the upper is the longest, would imply that there is no remarkable difference in their length. Considering the invalid nature of the characters afforded by the comparative length of the palea in this genus, it is probable that this and the preceding are but varieties of one and the same plant.

Kerguelen's Land specimens are frequently monstrous ; the lower glume being then provided with two parallel distinct nerves, and in other cases I have seen three distaut valves, two outer and one inner. The lower palea again has the arista sometimes placed on one side of its base.

Plate CXXXII. Fig. 1, locusta ; fig. 2, floret ; fig. 3, squainulse and pistil ; fig. 4, squamula : — all magnified.


1. Polypogon Chonoticus, Hook, fil.; panicula ampla oblonga subeffusa lobata densiflora, ramis glabri-usculis pedicellisque scaberulis, glumis pubescentibus apice oblique truncatis aristis valvis bis longioribus, palea inferiore superne 5-nervi truncata 5-aristata aristis 2 lateralibus subelongatis intermedio palea triplo longiore, culnio vaginato, foliis planis scaberulis striatis vaginis brevioribus.

Hab. Chonos Archipelago and Cape Tres Montes, C. Darwin, Esq.

Gramen pulchrum, bipedale. Culmi validi, erecti, per totam longitudniem vaginati. Folia radicalia breve vaginantia, superiorum vagina internodos fere aiquans, glaberrima, lrevis, profunde striata ; ligula breviuscula; lamina 5-pollicaris, lanceolato-subulata, e basi latiuscula gradatim angustata, super prsecipue scaberula. Panicula 4-5 unc. longa, 1-1-j- lata, lobata, sericea, ramis e copia locustarum velatis. Gluma 1 lin. longa?, pubescenti- scaberulae, carina scabrida, apice obhque truncata, vix acuta, in aristam pallidam v. purpuream desinentes, floscidos longiores. Palea mferior membranacea, basi enervis, superne B-nervis, nervis 2 lateralibus in aristas palea;