Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/448

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[Fuegia, the

20. BARTRAMIA, Eedw.

1. Bartramia patens, Schwaegr., Suppl. I. vol. i. p. 55. t. 62. Fl. Antarct. pt. 1. p. 133.

Var. 8. intermedia ; caule minore.

Hab. Hermite Island, common in the woods, from the sea to the tops of the hills, in crevices of rocks, growing in dense soft tufts. Falkland Islands, common on wet clay-slate rocks near the sea, not found on the hills, abundant in fruit. Var. 8. on clayey ground and rocks near the sea.

The variety 8. difl'ers only in its smaller size and in the general aspect, which resembles that of the British B. ithypliylla.

2. Bartramia pendula, Hook.; Muse. Exot. t. 21. Fl. Antarct. pt. 1. p. 133.

Var. 1 . foliis e basi erecta patulo-squarrosis, margine evidentius recurvis parcius denticulatis.

Var. 2. caule longiore robustiore vix tomentoso, foliis latioribus subsecundis.

Hab. Hermite Island, in rocky places near the tops of the hills, scarce, abundant in fruit near the spray of a waterfall on the south side of St. Martin's Cove, forming large patches. Var. 2, always barren. In some respects our moss resembles B. tomentosa, Hook. (Muse. Exot. t. 19), which we scarcely consider to be a distinct species, but the capsule is oblong and pendulous.

The var. 2 may be distinct. It resembles Hypnimi elongatum, nobis. We have seen only the male inflorescence, which is truly that of Bartramia.

3. Bartramia pomiformis, Hedw.; var. crispa. B. crispa, Swartz. Mont, in Voy. au Pole Sud, Bot. Crypt, p. 307.

Hab. Strait of Magalhaens; Admiral I/Urville et M. Jacquinot. 21. BRACHYMENIUM, Hook. 1. Brachymenium ? ovatum, Hook. fil. et Wils.j caule humdi, foliis laxe imbricatis erecto-patentibus quinquefariis ovato-oblongis nervo valido apiculatis. (Tab. CLIII. fig. IV.)

Hab. Falkland Islands, amongst dry quartz rocks on the hills, (barren).

Caules csespitosi, inferne dense radiculosi, spongiosi, 1-2-unciales, parce ramosi. Folia erecto-patentia, 5-faria, ovato-oblonga, planiuscula, integerrima, luteo-viridia, siccitate subincurva, nervo valido excurrente apiculata, areolis minimi s, rotundis. In axillis foliorum fasciculi corporum fuscorum eonfervpe instar evadunt.

This moss resembles TetrapMs pellucida, but difl'ers in the excurrent nerve and in the disposition and texture of the leaves.

Plate CLIII. Fig. IV. — 1, tuft of the natural size; 2 and 3, leaves : — magnified.

22. ORTHODONTIUM, Schwaegr,

1. Orthodontium australe, Hook. fil. et Wils. ; caule ramoso fastigiato humili, foliis erecto-patentibus subrecurvis anguste linearibus subflexuosis, nervo subcontinuo, theca suberecta oblonga brevicolla, opercido brevirostro. (Tab. CLIII. fig. V.)

Hab. Falkland Islands, alt. 900 feet, upon the fibrous roots of the Tussac grass; observed in one spot only. Hermite Island, in clefts of rocks on the hills and on wet banks, not uncommon.