Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/479

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Falklands, etc.]

described it already under two names. The leaf of these specimens is shorter, broader at the upper part and rounded, with the lower lobe shorter than is usual in J.pliysoloba. We add a figure.

Plate CLX. Fig. ILL — 1, plant of the natural size ; 2, branch and leaf; 3, leaf; 4, perichaetium and calyx ; 5, calyx and capside : — magnified.

(11. Polyotus, Gottsche.)

76. Jungermannia Magellanica, Lamk. Fl. Antarct. Pt. 1. p. 162. Hab. Hermite Island, Cape Horn ; on trunks of trees, abundant. Strait of Magalhaens, Commerson. Staten Land, Meuzies.

Also found in Campbell's Island, Tasmania, and New Holland.

77. Jungermannia Menziesii, Hook., Muse. Exot. 1. 118.

Hab. Hermite Island, Cape Horn ; mossy trunks of trees, wet rocks, &c. ; also on the summits of the mountains. Staten Land, Menzies.

78. Jungermannia palpebrifolia, Hook., Muse. Exot. t. 71. Gottsche, Lindb. etNees, Syn.Hep. p. 246.

Hab. Strait of Magalhaens, B'Urville.

(12. Fruixania, Raddi.)

79. Jungermannia eyperoides, Schwaeg., Prodr. Hep. 14. Gottsche, Lindb. et Nees, Sj/n. Hep. p. 420.

Hab. Strait of Magalhaens ; (fid. SchwaegricJien).

80. Jungermannia lobulata, Hook., Muse. Exot. 1. 119. Gottsche, Lindb. et Nees, Sgn. Hep. p. 445.

Hab. Hermite Island, Cape Horn ; in woods. Staten Land, Menzies. Falkland Islands ; on rocks near the hill tops.

81. Jungermannia Magellanica, Spreng., hi Annul, des Wetter. Ges. vol.i. p. 25. t.4. f.10, (fid. Gottsche, Lindb. et Nees, Sgn. Hep. p. 447.)

Hab. Strait of Magalhaens ; on Brimys Winteri and Berberis ilicifolia; Forster (fid. Gottsche).

(13. Lejeunia, Spreng.)

82. Jungermannia subintegra, Hook. fil. et Tayl.; caule breviusculo csespitoso procumbente elongato subsiinplici, foliis subimbricatis erectiusculis integerrimis, lobo superiore oblongo-rotundato, inferiore breviore tumido involute angulo superiore acuminato, stipulis caule paulo latioribus ovatis acutis integerrimis v. summo apice fissis. Nobis in Lond. Journ. Bot. vol. iv. p. 477. Gottsche, Lindb. et Nees, Syn. Hep. p. 377. (Tab. CLX. Pig. M.)

Hab. Falkland Islands ; in wet places near the sea.

Ceespites late extensi, pallide olivacei. Cmdes vix ± unc. longi, plerumque simplices. Folia amplectantia, suberecta, concava, diametro cauhs duplo latiora, laxe cellulosa, areolis majusculis. Stipula majusculoe, integerrima?, v. imo apice solum fissae, segmentis approximatis.

The great size of the stipules comparatively to the leaves and their very obscure division, afford sufficiently distinctive characters of this species.

Plate CLX. Fig. V.— 1, plant of the natural size ; 2, stem ; 3, leaf; 4- and 5, stipules -.—magnified.