Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/487

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Falklands, etc.]

Maculae rubella 1 ; peridia plus minus elongata, urceolata, sursum leviter constrieta, vel omnino cylindracea, fragilia, totam superfieiera inferiorem investientia, plus minus in petiolos descendentia. Sporce pallida; (saltern in exemplaribus exsiccatis) irregulariter subglobosae, angulatre. Rarissime pauca peridia epiphylla sunt.

Resembling much in external appearance Ah. sambucinum, Schwein. It is at once distinguished from JScidium BerberidU by its very different habit.

Plate CLXIII. Fig. II. — 1, leaves of Berberis and AEcidium Magellanieum, of the natural size ; 2, portion of leaf and fungus ; 3, spores : — highly magnified.

13. UREDO, Pot.

1. Uredo Candida, Pers., Spi. p. 223.

Hab. Falkland Islands ; on Aral/is Macloviana, Capt. Sulivan.

The mycelium is very visible in these specimens. There is no difference in the spores.

14. MORCHELLA, Bill.

1. Morchella scmilibera, Dec, Fl.Fr. vol. ii. p. 212.

Hab. Falkland Islands ; on the ground.

I have seen a single imperfect specimen only, which is scarcely more than sufficient to determine the genus.

I believe it, however, to be the species of De Candolle, above cited.


1. Peziza Kerguelensis, Berk.; media, cupula plana adnata coccinea extus setis brevioribus obsita. (Tab. CLXIV. Fig. III.)

Hab. Herniite Island, Cape Horn; on dead branches amongst the snow, alt. 1,000 feet. Cliristinas Harbour, Kerguelen's Land; May and June; on bare boggy earth near the sea, growing amongst Conferva.

Cupula i-f unc. lata, plana, adnata, margiue tantum ut plurimum libero, coccinea, externe setis brevioribus subflaccidis plus minus contextis primuni pallidis deinde saturate rubris vestita, dissepimentis demum absorptis. A-sci lineares, obtusi ; sporidia late elliptica, glabra, nucleo unico globoso ; paraphyses apice clavulata?.

Allied to P. scutellata and P. umbrosa, but larger than either. The bristles are short and somewhat flaccid, in which it differs strikingly from the former species, as also in its broader sporidia. From the latter it differs principally in its larger size and less conspicuous hairs. I am not able, in the absence of authentic specimens, to compare the sporidia ; but if that species be the same with P. trechispora, Berk., and Broome, which is not impossible, the difference is considerable.

Plate CLXIV. Fig. III. — 1, Kerguelen's Land, and 2, Cape Horn specimens ; of the natural size ; 3, setae: — magnified ; 4, asci, sporidia and paraphyses ; 5, sporidia : — very higldy magnified.

2. Peziza stercorea, Pers. Ols. vol. ii. p. 89. (Tab. CLXIII. Fig. IV.)

Hab. Port Louis, Falkland Islands ; on cow-dung.

Not distinguishable from European specimens. I cannot detect Ascobolns furfuraceus, which is so generally its companion in Europe.

Plate CLXIII. Fig. IV. — 1, bristles from cup ; 2, asci and paraphyses, in the broken ascus the inner membrane is visible, projecting below; 3, sporidia: — all highly magnified.